Are Exchange 2003 meeting requests auto accepted?


Kirstin Koch

Users on my SBS2003 Exchange server are claiming that the installation of a BES server affected the automatic acceptance of meeting requests. They claim that when someone sends them a meeting invite, the appointment was automatically added to their calendar but marked as tentative. These are users, and not resource mailboxes.

Before I go calling Blackberry, I want to confirm if the behavior they expect is actually how Exchange 2003 works. When I tested this scenario on a different Exchange 2003 server (not SBS), I was only able to produce the same affect after previewing the meeting invite. Searching the internet seemed to reveal that this is the expected behaviour, unless some Auto Accept agent was enabled. But these only seems to be used for resource mailboxes.

Any feedback here is appreciated, even if you just report the results of testing this scenario on your own server.

- Kirstin Koch

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