Are Office 2003 and Publisher 2007 Compatible?


Alton Davis

I'm giving up on Office 2007 and going back to the 2003 version due to
frustration with the ribbon. My question is: is Publisher 2007 fully
compatible Office 2003 or should I look for a copy of Publisher 2003?


Alton Davis said:
I'm giving up on Office 2007 and going back to the 2003 version due to
frustration with the ribbon. My question is: is Publisher 2007 fully
compatible Office 2003 or should I look for a copy of Publisher 2003?

It baffles me that each new OS has a more obtuse interface. Vista is the worst. I will also be reinstalling a previous version of Word. This one makes me feel like a moron.
I used to know how to use Word. You would think that the new version would
build on the previous. This is one ridiculous business model that MS uses.
The main tenet seem to be alienating customers.

JoAnn Paules

Yes, with one exception. You will not be able to create an email with
Publisher 2007 and send it in the body of an Outlook 2003 email.


Why? The Help section of Publisher 2007 indicates that you can do thi
with Outlook 2003. We would not have bought this product otherwise


atierno70 said:
Why? The Help section of Publisher 2007 indicates that you can do this
with Outlook 2003. We would not have bought this product otherwise.

Can do WHAT with Outlook 2003?

Who are you talking to and about what?

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