The formula is to show t's Share of the profit.
=SUM(U14)-((SUMIF('Cost Plus Invoice'!O8:O1510,"t",'Cost Plu
Invoice'!T8:T1320))+((SUMIF('Cost Plus Invoice'!O8:O1510,"m",'Cost Plu
Invoice'!T8:T1320))+((SUMIF('Cost Plus Invoice'!O8:O1510,"r",'Cost Plu
Invoice'!T8:T1320))+((SUMIF('Cost Entry'!O7:O1320,"t",'Cos
Entry'!T7:T1320))+((SUMIF('Cost Entry'!O7:O1320,"m",'Cos
Entry'!T7:T1320))+((SUMIF('Cost Entry'!O7:O1320,"r",'Cos
Entry'!T7:T1320)))+(Phases!L29)*0.55+('Profit & Loss'!U15))))))
Payments by customer: $2587.11
Total cost of the project: - $1178.68
Total Profit: $1408.43
"t"'s Share (55%) of the profit: x.55= $ 774.77
Plus the amounts paid by "t" $ 928.43
"t"'s total share: $1703.20
=SUM(U14 is $2587.11
=SUMIF('Cost Plus Invoice'!O8:O1510,"t",'Cost Plus Invoice'!T8:T132
is $ 422.11
=SUMIF('Cost Plus Invoice'!O8:O1510,"m,'Cost Plus Invoice'!T8:T1320
is $ 150.00
=SUMIF('Cost Plus Invoice'!O8:O1510,"t",'Cost Plus Invoice'!T8:T132
is $ 100.00
=SUMIF('Cost Entry'!O8:O1510,"t",'Cost Entry'!T8:T1320 is
377.36 =SUMIF('Cost Entry'!O8:O1510,"m",'Cost Entry'!T8:T1320 is
=SUMIF('Cost Entry'!O8:O1510,"r",'Cost Entry'!T8:T1320 is $ 000.00
+(Phases!L29 is $128.96 [payroll]
+('Profit & Loss'!U15 is $928.43 [paid by "t"
Why is this formula not working even when excel corrects it
=SUM(U14)-((SUMIF('Cost Plus Invoice'!O8:O1510,"t",'Cost Plu
Invoice'!T8:T1320))+((SUMIF('Cost Plus Invoice'!O8:O1510,"m",'Cost Plu
Invoice'!T8:T1320))+((SUMIF('Cost Plus Invoice'!O8:O1510,"r",'Cost Plu
Invoice'!T8:T1320))+((SUMIF('Cost Entry'!O7:O1320,"t",'Cos
Entry'!T7:T1320))+((SUMIF('Cost Entry'!O7:O1320,"m",'Cos
Entry'!T7:T1320))+((SUMIF('Cost Entry'!O7:O1320,"r",'Cos
Entry'!T7:T1320)))+(Phases!L29)*0.55+('Profit & Loss'!U15))))))
Payments by customer: $2587.11
Total cost of the project: - $1178.68
Total Profit: $1408.43
"t"'s Share (55%) of the profit: x.55= $ 774.77
Plus the amounts paid by "t" $ 928.43
"t"'s total share: $1703.20
=SUM(U14 is $2587.11
=SUMIF('Cost Plus Invoice'!O8:O1510,"t",'Cost Plus Invoice'!T8:T132
is $ 422.11
=SUMIF('Cost Plus Invoice'!O8:O1510,"m,'Cost Plus Invoice'!T8:T1320
is $ 150.00
=SUMIF('Cost Plus Invoice'!O8:O1510,"t",'Cost Plus Invoice'!T8:T132
is $ 100.00
=SUMIF('Cost Entry'!O8:O1510,"t",'Cost Entry'!T8:T1320 is
377.36 =SUMIF('Cost Entry'!O8:O1510,"m",'Cost Entry'!T8:T1320 is
=SUMIF('Cost Entry'!O8:O1510,"r",'Cost Entry'!T8:T1320 is $ 000.00
+(Phases!L29 is $128.96 [payroll]
+('Profit & Loss'!U15 is $928.43 [paid by "t"
Why is this formula not working even when excel corrects it