Are there apis that relate colour index with color?


Jan Nordgreen

The relationship between the forty colour index number you get from the
default colour palette when you press Fill Color and the background colour
values is given below if you swap the last two digist with the two first.

My query is: do apis exist that calculates the one given the other?


Jan Nordgreen
Santa Cruz, Bolivia

aPalColour(1) = "000000"
aPalColour(2) = "FFFFFF"
aPalColour(3) = "FF0000"
aPalColour(4) = "00FF00"
aPalColour(5) = "0000FF"
aPalColour(6) = "FFFF00"
aPalColour(7) = "FF00FF"
aPalColour(8) = "00FFFF"
aPalColour(9) = "800000"
aPalColour(10) = "008000"
aPalColour(11) = "000080"
aPalColour(12) = "808000"
aPalColour(13) = "800080"
aPalColour(14) = "008080"
aPalColour(15) = "C0C0C0"
aPalColour(16) = "808080"
aPalColour(33) = "00CCFF"
aPalColour(34) = "CCFFFF"
aPalColour(35) = "CCFFCC"
aPalColour(36) = "FFFF99"
aPalColour(37) = "99CCFF"
aPalColour(38) = "FF99CC"
aPalColour(39) = "CC99FF"
aPalColour(40) = "FFCC99"
aPalColour(41) = "3366FF"
aPalColour(42) = "33CCCC"
aPalColour(43) = "99CC00"
aPalColour(44) = "FFCC00"
aPalColour(45) = "FF9900"
aPalColour(46) = "FF6600"
aPalColour(47) = "666699"
aPalColour(48) = "969696"
aPalColour(49) = "003366"
aPalColour(50) = "339966"
aPalColour(51) = "003300"
aPalColour(52) = "333300"
aPalColour(53) = "993300"
aPalColour(54) = "993366"
aPalColour(55) = "333399"
aPalColour(56) = "333333"

Jan Nordgreen


When I searched for the answer to my question, I looked at his colourful
page, but did not find any api functions.

He gets the color values by reading cells he has set the color index of.

( Cells(i + 1, 2).Font.colorindex = i
Cells(i + 1, 2).Value = "[Color " & i & "]"
str0 = Right("000000" & Hex(Cells(i + 1, 1).Interior.color), 6))

I was wondering if there is a direct link.


Jan Nordgreen

Tom Ogilvy

It depends on what you mean by API, but if you mean windows API's then no,
they have no knowledge or interaction with Excel's internal method of
managing colors for cells and fonts.

RGB, QBColor, Color and colorIndex are the only functions that I can think
of that deal with colors and David gives a pretty good explanation of most
of those.

Tom Ogilvy

Jan Nordgreen said:

When I searched for the answer to my question, I looked at his colourful
page, but did not find any api functions.

He gets the color values by reading cells he has set the color index of.

( Cells(i + 1, 2).Font.colorindex = i
Cells(i + 1, 2).Value = "[Color " & i & "]"
str0 = Right("000000" & Hex(Cells(i + 1, 1).Interior.color), 6))

I was wondering if there is a direct link.


Jan Nordgreen

Tom Ogilvy

This article says very clearly that the VB method of storing colors is
different from RRGGBB;en-us;190553&Product=vb6
INFO: Do Not Use Visual Basic Color Constants in DHTML Page Designer

Activeworkbook.Colors(6) gives the long number format of the BBGGRR value
for the color pallet.
I think you would need to loop the palette to go the other way.

Tom Ogilvy

Tom Ogilvy said:
It depends on what you mean by API, but if you mean windows API's then no,
they have no knowledge or interaction with Excel's internal method of
managing colors for cells and fonts.

RGB, QBColor, Color and colorIndex are the only functions that I can think
of that deal with colors and David gives a pretty good explanation of most
of those.

Tom Ogilvy

Jan Nordgreen said:

When I searched for the answer to my question, I looked at his colourful
page, but did not find any api functions.

He gets the color values by reading cells he has set the color index of.

( Cells(i + 1, 2).Font.colorindex = i
Cells(i + 1, 2).Value = "[Color " & i & "]"
str0 = Right("000000" & Hex(Cells(i + 1, 1).Interior.color), 6))

I was wondering if there is a direct link.


Jan Nordgreen

Tom Ogilvy said:
Maybe there is some information here at David McRitchie's site:

Tom Ogilvy

The relationship between the forty colour index number you get from the
default colour palette when you press Fill Color and the background colour
values is given below if you swap the last two digist with the two first.

My query is: do apis exist that calculates the one given the other?


Jan Nordgreen
Santa Cruz, Bolivia

aPalColour(1) = "000000"
aPalColour(2) = "FFFFFF"
aPalColour(3) = "FF0000"
aPalColour(4) = "00FF00"
aPalColour(5) = "0000FF"
aPalColour(6) = "FFFF00"
aPalColour(7) = "FF00FF"
aPalColour(8) = "00FFFF"
aPalColour(9) = "800000"
aPalColour(10) = "008000"
aPalColour(11) = "000080"
aPalColour(12) = "808000"
aPalColour(13) = "800080"
aPalColour(14) = "008080"
aPalColour(15) = "C0C0C0"
aPalColour(16) = "808080"
aPalColour(33) = "00CCFF"
aPalColour(34) = "CCFFFF"
aPalColour(35) = "CCFFCC"
aPalColour(36) = "FFFF99"
aPalColour(37) = "99CCFF"
aPalColour(38) = "FF99CC"
aPalColour(39) = "CC99FF"
aPalColour(40) = "FFCC99"
aPalColour(41) = "3366FF"
aPalColour(42) = "33CCCC"
aPalColour(43) = "99CC00"
aPalColour(44) = "FFCC00"
aPalColour(45) = "FF9900"
aPalColour(46) = "FF6600"
aPalColour(47) = "666699"
aPalColour(48) = "969696"
aPalColour(49) = "003366"
aPalColour(50) = "339966"
aPalColour(51) = "003300"
aPalColour(52) = "333300"
aPalColour(53) = "993300"
aPalColour(54) = "993366"
aPalColour(55) = "333399"
aPalColour(56) = "333333"



The colors are stored in the workbook's Colors property
it's an array of long color values. Colorindex is 1 to 56.

ActiveWorkbook.ResetColors resets the workbooks colors array to the

Be careful converting the long to hex as this produces BGR not RGB!!

Demo: type following in the immediate pane... :)

msgbox hex(rgb(255,254,253))

You'll get the color as follows:

Option Explicit
Sub GetColors()
Dim i&, lngColor&, strRGB$
For i = 1 To 56
'get the long
lngColor = ActiveWorkbook.Colors(i)
'convert long to rgb hex
strRGB = Lng2Rgb(lngColor)
Cells(i, 1) = i
Cells(i, 2) = lngColor
Cells(i, 3) = "'" & strRGB
Cells(i, 1).Resize(, 3).Interior.Color = lngColor
End Sub

Function Lng2Rgb$(lng&)
Dim r, g, b
r = (lng Mod (2 ^ 8)) \ 2 ^ 0
g = (lng Mod (2 ^ 16)) \ 2 ^ 8
b = (lng Mod (2 ^ 24)) \ 2 ^ 16
Lng2Rgb = Format(Hex(r), "00") & _
Format(Hex(g), "00") & _
Format(Hex(b), "00")
End Function



< email : keepitcool chello nl (with @ and .) >
< homepage: >

Jan Nordgreen said:

When I searched for the answer to my question, I looked at his
colourful page, but did not find any api functions.

He gets the color values by reading cells he has set the color index

( Cells(i + 1, 2).Font.colorindex = i
Cells(i + 1, 2).Value = "[Color " & i & "]"
str0 = Right("000000" & Hex(Cells(i + 1, 1).Interior.color), 6))

I was wondering if there is a direct link.


Jan Nordgreen