Are there excel chat rooms


Wally Steadman

Anyone know of an Excel of VBA chat room? I know it would get busy in
there, but just curious as that would be one awesome way to pass information
as well as these news groups.

Thanks to all for all the help you have given and have a Happy New Year

Wally Steadman

Nick Hodge


I don't know of any but in the main the threads here are answered within
minutes and then a thread, if continued, tends to be almost as instant as a

Nick Hodge
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Southampton, England
(e-mail address removed)

Sharad Naik

I would further like to add that unless the question is
a baisc simple question (like how do I add a reference to a library, etc.)
it is unlikely that it can be immediately answered in the chat room.
The responder may have to try a code or refer to his data , which will take
Or you may receive multiple responses and may get confused.
Therefore I think this NG would be better option. This is one of the 'Most
happening NG', responses normally are far quicker .


Wally Steadman

I totally agree with you on the responsiveness of this newgroup and the help
received here is phenominal. It would be cool to be able to sit around and
BS about little things, not so much as writing code but how and why snippets
of code work. This is an awesome forum, I tell everyone using Microsoft
products about it as it is a great source of information. To all that have
helped a hearty thank you

Wally Steadman

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