are these bogus emails?



I know that Microsoft does not send patches and stuff like that, but I have
just received some that when I click on them the microsoft home page comes
up. This LOOKS really legit. However, I have not opened the attachment.
Are these the bogus ones as well?
THANK YOU once again


Douglas J. Steele

I would assume they're bogus. Microsoft does not e-mail customers with


I must have received 30 or so of them today.
If it has an attachment delete the whole thing.

Albert D. Kallal

I have received more then 100 of those already to day!

I really wish people would either run some virus software, or not open

Quite annoying......

Mike Painter

Lynn said:
I know that Microsoft does not send patches and stuff like that, but I have
just received some that when I click on them the microsoft home page comes
up. This LOOKS really legit. However, I have not opened the attachment.
Are these the bogus ones as well?
THANK YOU once again

I've gotten dozens and *all* contain a virus.

If you don't have a firewall and a virus program you will be infected one of
these fine days.

Jan Il

I would assume they're bogus. Microsoft does not e-mail customers with mean that, after all the money I have spent on MS products
all this time, that Billy and his staff do not appreciate my business enough
to make sure that *I* get a personal copy of the new security patches
delivered to my door??? that hurts...Hmpft!! :-((

Lucky I didn't open any of the 18 I got so far...but, I just couldn't make
up my mind which one I should use...

Guess sometimes it pays to be slow making up your mind...

Jan ;-))

Dirk Goldgar

kjkj said:
If you have received these patches and not been warned by
your virus software to delete them you have more to worry
about than patches. Get some decent virus protection.
100% of these contain a virus.

As far as I know, none of the major antivirus products picked up this
virus when it first hit. I think all of them have updated their virus
definitions by now, though. However, some of the automatic
definitions-update processes (such as NAV's LiveUpdate) may not yet have
the very latest definitions. If you find that to be the case, use your
AV vendor's manual update process.

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