I've been periodically getting the error message about Vbox!(0010-0016-0120)
not being able to load or something & it clearly is fouling up Outlook. I
can only find two instances of Vbox & none of Visio on my computer.
One is Program Files\Act\vbox?430.dll (Can't make out what the ? is) The
weird thing is that ACT! is a contacts data base. The second is in
Windows\System 32, same file name...both are 323KB application extensions.
HELP! I have no idea why this just started up. Thanks.
not being able to load or something & it clearly is fouling up Outlook. I
can only find two instances of Vbox & none of Visio on my computer.
One is Program Files\Act\vbox?430.dll (Can't make out what the ? is) The
weird thing is that ACT! is a contacts data base. The second is in
Windows\System 32, same file name...both are 323KB application extensions.
HELP! I have no idea why this just started up. Thanks.