Are wildcards all what I need?




I have following problem.

I need to remove format strings from whole text. It looks

{\cf2 This is {\cf1 a} sample text.}

What is after \cf2 and inside brackets should be blue but
after \cf1 should be brown. So whole sting in blue but 'a'

In the same operation formatting strings and brackets
should be removed.

Can I do that just with wildcards?

Please also notice that my text is full of some other
strange formatting substrings. So any search string should
be able to select and then process only required

Thanks a lot.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Hi Pawel,

See the article "Finding and replacing characters using wildcards" at:

Please post any further questions or followup to the newsgroups for the
benefit of others who may be interested. Unsolicited questions forwarded
directly to me will only be answered on a paid consulting basis.

Hope this helps
Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Klaus Linke

Hi Pawel,

I think you might be better off writing a parser. If this is RTF, you need
to keep in mind that all of the following would describe the same
· {\b bold {\i Bold Italic }Bold again}
· {\b bold \i Bold Italic \i0 Bold again}
· {\b bold \i Bold Italic \plain\b Bold again}
(example from the RTF specs)


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