Many problem...
1) problem
In this database are present in userform1 4 list box (RICERCHE
Seleziona il criterio
my problem is to eleimiate in the list box the line blank from ever
list when i press
the arrow ( idont know because apper a blank line in the list after th
last line visible)
2) problem
When i cliCk on a list box (RICERCHE: Seleziona il criterio fo
example ATTORE
the text is populate with many line my poroblem is colorize the lin
that appear
in alternate color
3) problem
When thext box (RICERCHE: Seleziona il criterio) is populate from man
line record
my problem is to populate a new user form (i.e. userform2) whit al
data from the
line clicked in thi
Attachment filename: video2000.zip
Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=53150
1) problem
In this database are present in userform1 4 list box (RICERCHE
Seleziona il criterio
my problem is to eleimiate in the list box the line blank from ever
list when i press
the arrow ( idont know because apper a blank line in the list after th
last line visible)
2) problem
When i cliCk on a list box (RICERCHE: Seleziona il criterio fo
example ATTORE
the text is populate with many line my poroblem is colorize the lin
that appear
in alternate color
3) problem
When thext box (RICERCHE: Seleziona il criterio) is populate from man
line record
my problem is to populate a new user form (i.e. userform2) whit al
data from the
line clicked in thi
Attachment filename: video2000.zip
Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=53150