ARGH -- MS Office Delayed Till 2007



Is there any way we can get a copy of OneNote before the general
release of MS Office now that it's delayed to 07?!? Please please say
yes. If not, can you expand the Beta 2 group? A lot? :) I'm willing
to use a stable beta for a long time...

Anything we can do to get on that list? :D (I did sign up already.)

If you honestly thought Microsoft would deliver a product on time, you
obviously are new at this.

This is just the typical Microsoft tactics, just another way they
control the software industry. Remarkably well.

OneNote 2007 has some major memory leaks. I left it running for a few
days and it was consuming 400 Mb of RAM. That's not good.

Haha ... even CNN used the "vaporware" term in regards to Microsoft
releases !

When Microsoft ruled the desktop-software universe, delays didn't
matter. Microsoft marketers could announce a product years in advance
and keep pushing off the release date -- creating what some critics
called "vaporware" -- and partners would fall into line, pledging their
support while the software took years to coalesce out of Redmond's

It's an utter failure not to be out before the holiday season. The
hardware manufacturers must be ticked ! Asustek was downgraded today.



Well, I wouldn't consider this an opportune time to wave vaporware
around. This information management sector is still a field where MS
doesn't rule the universe, as can be seen by the many viable
competitors (Ultra Recall, Evernote, Info Select, SmartOutline,
MindManager, etc.) -- sitting still is not going to stop these
companies from innovating.

Vaporware really onnly works if you convince possible competitors to
not pursue a product line b/c they believe MS will come out with their
own product and crush them. OneNote, while very good at this point, is
not the 800lb gorilla in this application group. Quite frankly, I'm
not sure which one you could consider the app to beat. I bet this
delay bummed the OneNote development team out, as their product will be
delayed when they were on track for this fall.

OneNote is very different from (Ultra Recall, Evernote, Info Select,
MindManager, etc.)
(FYI, thanks for your SmartOutline tip ... never seen it before).

Evernote looked promising but things have grinded to a halt over there.
18 months ago EverNote looked like the rising star ... but there has
been no new significant features in about that time frame. Templates
... not done .. no Calendar functions whatsoever .. no synching .. no
Palm/PPC version released ... no stable USB version ... can't do ink
and text in the same note .... no internal linking ... I could go on ..

ricochet, tell me this ... what application group is OneNote anyway ?

Just a note manager ?

The new guy in the Windows Development group said that the "development
cycle" for Windows was failing and was antiquated. This is true for
Office as well .. the fact that I have to wait for OneNote 2007 to get
internal linking is ridiculous.


Well, according to one of their videocasts, the OneNote Group is its
own entity, although now its release is now tied to the MS Office
release. In other words, I don't believe that any resources are being
held back from the OneNote team b/c they're developing for other Office

I liked the idea of Evernote as well -- I like the idea of using labels
instead of folders (although I do have a folder structure where I keep
my docs so I can find things outside of searching for them). I wish
OneNote would let us do labels so the notes weren't restricted to the
Folder/Section/Folder/Section format that's currently enforced. Some
items I'd like to drill down more levels, others, I don't need to, but
to drill down in OneNote, I need to know in advance if I want a section
(which can't be drilled down further) or a folder -- and this makes me
update the hierarchy more often than I'd like. If sections could
contains sub-sections, I'd be all set. But yes, I've been waiting for
a palm app of Evernote as well (we may be waiting forever to get one
for the palm...)

I know folks have suggested using the categories instead of labels, but
I haven't gotten around to figuring out how to do it.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP said:
The new guy in the Windows Development group said that the "development
cycle" for Windows was failing and was antiquated. This is true for
Office as well .. the fact that I have to wait for OneNote 2007 to get
internal linking is ridiculous.

Then I'm afraid you don't understand how software development in a large
commercial-client environment works. Internal linking is a substantial
addition to the code base and it isn't something you just push out in a
hotfix because a few people are impatient.

Microsoft has done a few software releases over the last 30 years and they
have a fairly good handle on the pitfalls and processes required by a broad,
commercial, client base. That doesn't mean they aren't still learning and
refining, but it does mean that they don't just toss major code base
rewrites out into the public domain on a whim.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

ricochet said:
Well, according to one of their videocasts, the OneNote Group is its
own entity, although now its release is now tied to the MS Office
release. In other words, I don't believe that any resources are being
held back from the OneNote team b/c they're developing for other Office

Correct; though since OneNote 2007 includes more Office integration than
previous versions the OneNote team can't act totally in a vacuum. If the
Outlook team changes something that relates to OneNote then the OneNote team
has to react to that.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!

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