Arial changes to Helvetica



Windows XP Pro, Office 2003/7
We have a corporate template which uses Arial throughout. Some
changes have recently been made to it, and we noticed on Styles and
Formatting when a style is selected to modify, the first form says the font
is Arial, but the format button font and numbering says that it is Helvetica.
We change them to Arial, save, restart, still says Helvetica.
Also, the Format, Fonts shows it as helvetica.

I have been asked to stop this happening. Does anyone know how?



Check the styles you have in the template. If the styles attached to the
button text and numbering are set to helvetica, then after changing the font
to Arial, when you re-open the document it applies the style from the
template which is still helvetica.

Uncheck the read ony box in the templates properties, open the document and
edit the styles. ensure the add to template box is checked.

Save the document, and you will be prompted to save the changes to the Say yes.

Re-check the read-only box in the template properties , and re-open the
document. It should be correct.

Hope this helps,

Stefan Blom

For some reason the font is being substituted. Are you sure that the
font file for Arial is present in the Fonts folder?

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message
news:[email protected]...


I think I need to elaborate.
The has a toolbar button which gives the user a form with many
buttons on for each corporate type of document, ie memo, filenote, blank etc.
Before the selected document is displayed several font syles are created by
code, I have checked and each specify the font to be Arial. When you view the
styles throught modify or Format, Font menu they show as helvetica.

I have also opened Word with a new and then if you change a piece
of text to Arial and check its Format, Font it says Helvetica.

On the font dropdown list, Helvetica appears to be a printer font, from
which printer, I can't tell, it appears on Excel too, so it looks like it may
be an Office 2003 thing.

Recent installations have been Office 2007 and Adobe Acrobat 8


Yes its still there. But I can't find any Helvetica files anywhere. I Have
checked the registry and removed all the Arial to Helvetica aliases.

Stefan Blom

Check the printer settings in Control Panel to find out if the printer
is substituting the font.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message

Helmut Weber

Hi Stefan,

the printer settings may interfere, too,
that is to say the font substitution list of the printer.
Which makes things difficult, if the driver is on a server,
if that is possible, and you got no admin rights.
I had the very same problem once,
talked to the admins, who cured the problem, I think,
But then they experimented with automatic updates of
printer drivers, and all was a mess again.

One day, I do not recall when, the problem was gone.

Greetings from Bavaria, Germany

Helmut Weber, MVP WordVBA

Win XP, Office 2003
"red.sys" & Chr$(64) & ""
Admittedly, I could not solve it.

and due to automatic updates of the printer driver

Stefan Blom

Hi Helmut

I just mentioned the printer settings in another post.

Thanks for explaining the additional issues when being on a network,

Personally, I am not a network administrator, and whenever I'm on a
network, I tend to assume that the administrators know what they are
doing... :)

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message
news:[email protected]...


I have administrator and domain rights throughout the company.

I have checked the installed printers and only the Adobe PDF "printer" has
any font listed, none of which are Helvetica, and only Courier is substituted


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Since this seems to be an issue with fonts and possibly the printer, perhaps
it would be helpful to post in microsoft.public.word.printingfonts, to which
I am cross-posting this. You'll need to redefine the problem, however, since
this post doesn't quote far enough back for that.

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