MVP said:
I'm trying to create a new database in Access 2007, and can't find
command to resize and arrange tables, within a window.
Access 2007 uses tabbed windows to display each object you have
opened (tables, forms, reports, etc.) Each object appears to the
right of the Navigation pane filling the entire space to the right
of the Navigation pane with a tab for each object visible, .
To return to the look familiar from 2003 where each object was in
its own window, click the Office Button, choose the "Access Options
button at bottom. The choose "Current Database" from the left and
change the Document Window Options to "Overlapping Windows." You'll
need to close and re-open the db to apply the changes. Once you
re-open the db, use the Window group on the Home tab to switch
windows as well as arrange the windows by tiling or cascading.
I hope this helps.