arranging columns in pivot table



I've a problem with pivot table. I have a dta table with records (month,
var1, var2, var3). Now I want to create a pivot table with month in rows and
var1, var2 and var3 in columns. Layout like:

month var1 var2 var3
jan 12 23 34
feb 43 23 45
mar ....

When I simply drag fields in the wizard the layout becomes like
jan var1 12
var2 23
var3 34
feb var1 43
var2 23
var3 45

How can I proceed to the desired result? Strange, occasionally it happened
some time, but I did not know how and why, and I cannot reproduce it.....

Thanks for help


At the top of the column on the pivot table with your var1,var2 etc in it,
there will be a button with the title of that column (maybe something like

It is where the word "variable" is in this mini-example here:
Sum of Qty
Month Variable Total
Jan Var1 6
var2 3
var3 2
Jan Total 11

Grab that button called Variable (or whatever you have called it), and drag
it just one cell to the right, so that it is where the word Total is. You
will see a little white and blue picture of a pivot table, and you need to
get the blue bit into the columns position.

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