Arranging desktop icons - can't get them to stop moving around


Susan SPCA

I always arrange my desktop icons on my work computer a certain way, but
recently they have been rearranging themselves and lining up. I put all of
my files on the desktop until I'm finished with them or leave them there if
they're ones I use frequently, so I have quite a few. This seems to happen
when I'm on my personal laptop and use a Verizon broadband device to connect
to my work server if I'm out of town OR if I log in from my laptop at home
using my normal internet connection. I never had this problem UNTIL I got a
new laptop. I'm running Windows XP Professional v. 5.1 service pack 2 &
Office 2003 at work and my personal laptop was set up the exist same way.
The only difference is my laptop has a wider screen.

Roger Fink

It's a Windows OS problem. If you can't fix it through the user interface,
as is likely, the best way I know to correct it is to do a registry restore
or system restore, provided you can go back far enough in time to a point
where you didn't have the problem. (System restore is safer in my opinion
but back up data first)

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