Hi Visio People,
Iam using Visio 2003 .
I have created Organization Chart in SIngle page for 4 Levels.
But the content are very small all cornered to Top and Bottom Pag
content is empty.
I like to use the Arrange Subordinated Menu Horizontal and Vertica
according to the content dynamically and fit the page content equall
(somewhat) so the chart looks better.
As most Shapes are aligned In Horizontal wise
in the Page-Width wise when "Size to Fit page" is used it occupies Pag
width wise but Page space down approzimately 75 % are free it could com
down Vertically so the page would be uniform so teh content could b
easily seen.
Thanks JuneTheSecond for your early reply and It would be great fi yo
could as Iam in a critical position to do it
Thanks in Advance for your Reply
Iam using Visio 2003 .
I have created Organization Chart in SIngle page for 4 Levels.
But the content are very small all cornered to Top and Bottom Pag
content is empty.
I like to use the Arrange Subordinated Menu Horizontal and Vertica
according to the content dynamically and fit the page content equall
(somewhat) so the chart looks better.
As most Shapes are aligned In Horizontal wise
in the Page-Width wise when "Size to Fit page" is used it occupies Pag
width wise but Page space down approzimately 75 % are free it could com
down Vertically so the page would be uniform so teh content could b
easily seen.
Thanks JuneTheSecond for your early reply and It would be great fi yo
could as Iam in a critical position to do it
Thanks in Advance for your Reply