Arranging Tasks On The Calendar


Dave Walsh


I have a problem with viewing tasks on the calendar. I have four tasks on a
given day. Each task is .25d (1/4 of a day). I want them to line up one on
top of each other, but it tries to crowd them all on the one line.
Consequently, the first and last task is viewable, but the middle two are
very long down the calendar and difficult to read (about one character each
as it goes down).

I have disabled the feature in Format/Layout ... "Attempt To Fit As Many
Tasks As Possible" . I tried making it just use the Sort, but that didn't
work either.

How do you arrange tasks to appear as you want them in the Calendar View.
I'd like to be able to just pick them up and drag them to where I want them
to show up on the day.



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