This is the average formula I am using right now:
B2:B7 are the 7 days of the week, Monday through Sunday
32 are 31 days worth of numerical data
This formula finds the average for just the Wednesdays. It ignores blanks.
And it works great.
However I want to modify it to also ignore any 0's and any numbers greater
than 75. I can get it to do one of the two but not both.
Thanks any advance for any help.
B2:B7 are the 7 days of the week, Monday through Sunday
This formula finds the average for just the Wednesdays. It ignores blanks.
And it works great.
However I want to modify it to also ignore any 0's and any numbers greater
than 75. I can get it to do one of the two but not both.
Thanks any advance for any help.