array data to cells



This loads 26 items from a column into myarray1 (thanks to the posts for

Dim i As Integer
i = 1
For i = 1 To 26

Dim myarray1()
Erase myarray1
myarray1 =

My "for next" section adds a page, names if from a similar array using this
function (ActiveSheet.Name = myarrayx(i)), sets margins, print area and then
goes on to add the next 25 pages.

What I need, is to enter the myarray1(i) data (also 26 items) into cell b14
on each page as they are created and formatted in the for next routine. What
is the best (ie most simple code) function to use to accomplish this.

The data I put in my array are dates and I want to retreive them as dates.
If I need to redefine my array for dates please let me know. As you can tell
I am not nearly as accomplished in macro/vba as most people in these forums.

Any suggestions are welcome, if more info is needed from me just ask.


Dave Peterson

Dim i as Long
dim wks as worksheet
dim myNames(1 to 26) as string
dim myDates(1 to 26) as date

'populate your arrays

for i = lbound(mynames) to ubound(mynames)
set wks = worksheets.add = mynames(i)
with wks.range("B14")
.numberformat = "mm/dd/yyyy"
.value = mydates(i)
end with
next i

(Untested, uncompiled)

Instead of using variables like myArrayX and myArray1, you may find it easier if
you use variable names that are mnemonically significant--that mean something
when you're reading/writing the code.


Fantastic, this really cleaned up my sad little program so much. So simple
and straight to the point. Very much appreciated.

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