Array, Formula, Constant, IF Statement Question????



Continued from yesterday's thread, still unable to find answer for problem:

I'll try to explain further:

What I've Set up is 50 pages where on each page I've got 50 or so rows with
13 columns.

So on Column 1 is my "helper" that I can change different references with
$A$1, $A$2, $A,$3, ect. so that I'm using the same formula for my 50 pages,
50 rows, x 13 colums, so that I won't have to change anything but the helper

On the 1st Row, I'm using it like a Header Row, that I've got
A,B,C,D,etc.....with about 5 columns between each letter. Not Formulated but
for example as follows; A2="A", B2="", C2="", D2="", E2="", F2="B", ect so
that the header letter is only every 5 or so columns, (the blank columns are
data within that block, A001, A002, A003, A004, etc.)

So if thats not confusing enough, Every page is going to have the same exact
01XX001-A12-(####) with variables changing per row,column, and page
thats where the formula comes in but I'm stuck with having to change 2
pieces manually, one is the count of "A12", "A11", "A10", which isn't bad
because once I do that I can to a Ctrl-R and fill the other columns but with
the $C$1 reference I'm having to change that as $C$1,$I$1,$O$1,$U$1,$AA$1 for
every several colums.

If this makes any sense please help.



I've notice that Elkar has responded to your previous post and I know for a
fact that he is probably 10 times more knowledgeable on excel than me so I
would take his advice and give more precise details. It wouldn't hurt for



It does seem like I could use the INDIRECT function instead of
"(IF($B$2="","",$B$2))" and I could use the CONSTATUATE (sp?) instead of
using & after each section, that would simplify, but still doesn't address
the array.

Basically I think I need to create an array or constant like
(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H) and then every other 6 columns have it pull from a next one
in the list, but the problem is I'm trying to create one formula that will
work for every cell, every page, so that I don't have to create, copy, paste,
edit, fill, for each 45 columns, 13 rows, 50 pages.

Does that clear it up?



Still not sure what your trying to do but maybe something like this:

when dragged across will produce AAAAABBBBBCCCCC etc...

does that help?


THanks, I'm going to look at this and see if I can apply it. Thanks for
helping out.

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