Supposing I have the following data in A1
Tag Jan Feb Mar
x 1 4 3
x 2 1 6
y 4 5 9
Would it be possible to have array formula in B5
5 which will do the
subtotals for "x" (giving {3,5,9} as a result)?
The reason I want to do this as array formula is so I can perform this
calculation in VBA (1000's of times on a bigger data range) where the
resulting arrays can be easily stored in a variant array (using the
Evaluate() method). I was thinking of something along the lines of:
but this doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for.
Supposing I have the following data in A1
Tag Jan Feb Mar
x 1 4 3
x 2 1 6
y 4 5 9
Would it be possible to have array formula in B5
subtotals for "x" (giving {3,5,9} as a result)?
The reason I want to do this as array formula is so I can perform this
calculation in VBA (1000's of times on a bigger data range) where the
resulting arrays can be easily stored in a variant array (using the
Evaluate() method). I was thinking of something along the lines of:
but this doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for.