driller said:
thanks for reply,
i tried as u suggested and found again this part of the formula
=exact($C$1:$E$3,F6) result is #value!
i format tested the X1, Y1, Z1 on C3:E3 and F6:H6 ,
copy paste same format
and value as general and test it all as text...
i am confused now..with sumproduct giving a result of 1 again.
Does sumproduct read the #value! as 1 under any formulation.
First, trust the EXACT formula given earlier worked ok for you, right ?
Please confirm this
Ok, as regards your dissection observations above,
this is the correct way to observe the evaluation process
Let's take this part of the formula in B6:
(with X1, y1, Z1 entered in C3:E3)
In the formula bar for B6, carefully select only the part:
then press F9 key to evaluate
You would see that it evaluates to a series of FALSEs / TRUEs, ie:
Press Esc key to revert, now carefully select only the part:
then press F9 again
With the double unary wrapped around, viz: --(EXACT(...)),
the series of FALSEs / TRUEs returned by EXACT will be coerced (evaluated)
to a series of 0s / 1s, ie the results will appear as:
(FALSE =0, TRUE = 1)
Press Esc again to revert, now select only the part:
then press F9 again
The SUMPRODUCT(...) will evaluate the series of 0s / 1s, viz:
to return the final result of: 1
If we place in a cell and just press ENTER:
we'd get the wrong result of: #VALUE! because the expression is an array and
needs to be array-entered by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.
If we array-enter it correctly, ie: =EXACT($C$1:$E$3,F6)
then the expression will evaluate correctly, *but* the cell will display
only the leftmost value in the array returned, ie all we'd see in the cell
In order to see the entire array returned, we'd need to select the
array-entered expression in the formula bar, viz select:
then press F9
Note: The curly braces: { } are auto-inserted by Excel upon correct
array-entering. We can use this as a visual check in the formula bar for any
array-entered formulas.
Pressing F9 will now reveal the entire array returned:
Hope the above clarifies it a little better here ..