Array Help?


Danny Boy

I must have a brain cramp because I can't get the formula below to work. In
Column A I have items to buy, in Column B I have dollar amounts associated
with each item, and in column D I have placed an "x" next to items as I
purchase them. The formula below is in cell F2, and is designed to add all
purchases, when an "x" is placed in column D. If there is a purchase amount
in column B, without an "x" in Column D, than the formula shouldn't add the
purchase amounts. What I have below (when entered as an array isn't working).
Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Dan


Billy Liddel


How about SumProduct?


not enered as array

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T. Valko

when entered as an array isn't working

Just a misplaced closing parenthesis.

Array entered.


You can do the same thing with this normally entered formula:



Danny said:
I must have a brain cramp because I can't get the formula below to work. In
Column A I have items to buy, in Column B I have dollar amounts associated
with each item, and in column D I have placed an "x" next to items as I
purchase them. The formula below is in cell F2, and is designed to add all
purchases, when an "x" is placed in column D. If there is a purchase amount
in column B, without an "x" in Column D, than the formula shouldn't add the
purchase amounts. What I have below (when entered as an array isn't working).
Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Dan


Maybe you meant this non-array formula:


Jacob Skaria


Or try this array formula (your formula modified)

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David Biddulph

Or array formula =SUM((B2:B20)*(D2:D20="x")) as I don't think you need the
double unary minus.

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