Array Help



Hi all,

I have created a 2-d array that stored info;


j = i
Cells(j, 3).Select
If ActiveCell.Value <> "" Then

maxArray = maxArray + 1
ReDim Preserve Arry(1 To 4, 1 To maxArray)

Arry(1, maxArray) = ActiveCell.Value
Arry(2, maxArray) = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value
Arry(3, maxArray) = Right(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value, 6)
Arry(4, maxArray) = Val(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 8).Value / 1000)

End If


My question to you is.....if Arry(1, maxArray) and Arry(2, maxArray
and Arry(3, maxArray) are the same then I want to group them and tota
the Arry(4, maxArray) value.

Would the array first have to be sorted first and then grouped? An
advice welcome!


Tom Ogilvy

Do you mean get a running total:

tot = 0
j = i
Cells(j, 3).Select
If ActiveCell.Value <> "" Then

maxArray = maxArray + 1
ReDim Preserve Arry(1 To 4, 1 To maxArray)

Arry(1, maxArray) = ActiveCell.Value
Arry(2, maxArray) = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value
Arry(3, maxArray) = Right(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value, 6)
Arry(4, maxArray) = Val(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 8).Value / 1000)
if arry(1,maxArray) = arry(2,maxArray) and _
arry(2,maxArray) = arry(3,maxArray) then
tot = tot + arry(4,maxArray)
end if
End If



no I dont mean a running total, for example, if the following data wa
stored in the array;

WB01 12345 987 6
WB01 12345 987 90
WB02 84638 247 9

I want to be able to group them to produce the following;

WB01 12345 987 96
WB02 84638 247 9

with the last entry totaled if there are duplicates.

Thanks again


I'm just trying to sort the Array first, does anyone know how to sort
2-d array. Examples on the web are 1-d :

Tom Ogilvy

You don't just want a method to sort a 2-D array (which I have posted in the
past), you also need a method to sort a 2-D array on multiple Keys. An
alternative would be 2-D on a single key but using a method which does a
stable/static sort. You could then sort lowest to most significance
successively - much like you can do with Excel's sort method. Unfortunately,
my method was quicksort which isn't stable/static. It might be easier to
drop your array in a worksheet and use the subtotal function under the data

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