Italian Pete
I am reading values from a series of combo boxes into an array
(ValueToWrite(1 to 4)). On clicking a "Confirm All" button, I want an
update query to run using the values from the array as per below:
Dim strQuery As String
strQuery = "UPDATE [Loan Laptops] "
strQuery = strQuery + "SET Equipment_id = ValueToWrite(1), User_id =
ValueToWrite(2), "
strQuery = strQuery + "Production_id = ValueToWrite(3) "
strQuery = strQuery + "WHERE Loan_id = 87;"
DoCmd.RunSQL (strQuery)
When the code gets to the DoCmd line, it returns an error telling me that
ValueToWrite() is an undefined function.
What a m I doing wrong?
(ValueToWrite(1 to 4)). On clicking a "Confirm All" button, I want an
update query to run using the values from the array as per below:
Dim strQuery As String
strQuery = "UPDATE [Loan Laptops] "
strQuery = strQuery + "SET Equipment_id = ValueToWrite(1), User_id =
ValueToWrite(2), "
strQuery = strQuery + "Production_id = ValueToWrite(3) "
strQuery = strQuery + "WHERE Loan_id = 87;"
DoCmd.RunSQL (strQuery)
When the code gets to the DoCmd line, it returns an error telling me that
ValueToWrite() is an undefined function.
What a m I doing wrong?