Array lookup



Sheets "database" contains a large database with numbers in column B and
dates in columns D-G.
Each week we have an updated array (named range) that shows in columns A and
B the numbers and date of an update.
example: 223 10/20/08
This list is on a separate sheet called "Sheet3".
I some how need to use the number in Column A in the array in Sheet 3 to
lookup its match in the other worksheet "database" and once its match is
found then enter from the array the date in column B into the first empty
cell in the "database" number's row starting its search in column D.

the weekly array may contain up to 20 numbers and dates that need updating.

If anyone has any ideas-please let me know. I am very open to using VBA
infact I prefer it. So I was thinking some kind of command button that does
this update would be fantastic.

thank you for your time

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