Array Size?


Bob Inwater

I am using a two dimensional array to hold up to 2000 x 10 pieces of data. I
am resizing the first parameter on the fly (Redim Preserve) but am not sure
how performance is affected from the extra cycles and memory. The second
parameter is the one I can not seem to resize on the fly. Is this worth much

When the Mac is done I will share it. I am converting Predecessor IDs back
to Task names and then joining with its’ details (ss-3wks) in a text field. I
miss being able to see all the predecessor info like in P3.

Earl Lewis


The help file says the following about redim preserve:

If you use the Preserve keyword, you can resize only the last array dimension and you can't change the number of dimensions at all. For example, if your array has only one dimension, you can resize that dimension because it is the last and only dimension. However, if your array has two or more dimensions, you can change the size of only the last dimension and still preserve the contents of the array.

Hope that helps.

I am using a two dimensional array to hold up to 2000 x 10 pieces of data. I
am resizing the first parameter on the fly (Redim Preserve) but am not sure
how performance is affected from the extra cycles and memory. The second
parameter is the one I can not seem to resize on the fly. Is this worth much

When the Mac is done I will share it. I am converting Predecessor IDs back
to Task names and then joining with its’ details (ss-3wks) in a text field. I
miss being able to see all the predecessor info like in P3.


I can not figure out why you need a 2000x10 array to do this. The macro
below does what you want and put the results in the notes field so you can
see the predecessors by letting your mouse hover over the notes indicator in
the indicator column.


Sub bob()
Dim ts As Tasks
Dim deps As TaskDependencies
Dim d As TaskDependency
Dim pString As String
Dim t As Task
Dim depType As String

Set ts = ActiveProject.Tasks
For Each t In ts
pString = ""
Set deps = t.TaskDependencies
For Each d In deps
If d.From.Name <> t.Name Then
Select Case d.Type
Case 0
depType = "FF"
Case 1
depType = "FS"
Case 2
depType = "SF"
Case 3
depType = "SS"
End Select
pString = pString & d.From.Name & "_" & depType & "_" &
d.Lag / 480 & " days" & vbCrLf
End If
Next d
t.Notes = pString
Next t
End Sub

You can also go to the window menu, select split, then in the bottom pane
show the predecessors and successors in the "Task Form" or the relationship

What is really missing is an indicator for which task is "driving".


Bob Inwater said:
I am using a two dimensional array to hold up to 2000 x 10 pieces of data. I
am resizing the first parameter on the fly (Redim Preserve) but am not sure
how performance is affected from the extra cycles and memory. The second
parameter is the one I can not seem to resize on the fly. Is this worth much

When the Mac is done I will share it. I am converting Predecessor IDs back
to Task names and then joining with its’ details (ss-3wks) in a text field. I
miss being able to see all the predecessor info like in P3.

I agree wholeheartedly with Jack. From what you explained I see no
reason to use an array. However just for reference, I write a fair
number of complex macros that use multiple arrays of one, two and three
dimensions. I can tell you that an array of 2000 x 10 is peanuts. An
array that size is not going to materially effect code run time or

Project MVP


The biggest reason for me writing this is as a learning experience. I am
sure that there is a more elegant way to write this but there is only one way
to become a better programmer….

If you run this you will see a message box that shows “Array Size Neededâ€
vs. “Array Size Usedâ€. Looks like this is totally unneeded but was
interesting for me.

The code is still beta….

Thanks for the feedback,


'Pred2Name Version 1.0 by Bob Inwater of P.P.S. 04/08/05

Option Explicit
Dim SomeText, StrLength, SingleChr, SingleChrASC, Result, OutPutNum,
OutPutNumOne As Variant
Dim RemovePlaces As Integer

Dim OutPutText As String
Dim OutPutTextone As String
Dim XArray() As Variant

Dim GetPredCount As Integer
Dim SwapCount As Integer
Dim XportCount As Integer
Dim TrimCount As Integer
Dim TrimmerCount As Integer
Dim MaryCounter As Integer

Dim ResultOne As Variant
Dim CommaFound As Boolean
Dim Count As Integer
Dim Final As Variant
Dim CountTwo As Integer
Dim Joiner As String
Dim JoinerTwo As String
Dim NoCommas() As Integer
Dim JoinedOutPut As Variant
Dim t As Task
Dim r As Integer
Dim PredNum() As Variant
Dim PredDataOut() As Variant
Dim RawNums As String
Dim TNames() As Variant
Dim TTotal As Variant
Dim PredNumVal As Variant
Dim FindCode As Variant
Dim PredOutName As String
Dim ChrCount As Integer
Dim CountMembers As Integer
Dim MaxMembers As Integer
Dim ArrayDepth As Integer

Sub Master()

End Sub
Sub Depth()
'******************************* This sets the depth of the
ArrayDepth = 10 '************** Arrays.
End Sub
Sub Imports()

TTotal = ActiveProject.Tasks.Count

ReDim PredNum(0 To TTotal) As Variant
ReDim TNames(1 To TTotal) As Variant
For Each t In ActiveProject.Tasks
r = t.ID

TNames(r) = t.Name
PredNum(r) = t.Predecessors

Next t
MaxMembers = 0
End Sub
Sub SwapPredData()
For SwapCount = 1 To TTotal
SomeText = PredNum(SwapCount)
Next SwapCount
End Sub
Sub POP()

StrLength = Len(SomeText)

TrimCount = 1

End Sub

Sub GetPred()
CommaFound = False
Result = ""
StrLength = Len(SomeText)

For GetPredCount = 1 To StrLength

SingleChrASC = Asc(Mid(SomeText, GetPredCount, 1))
SingleChr = (Mid(SomeText, GetPredCount, 1))

If CommaFound = False Then
If SingleChrASC = 44 Then
CommaFound = True
ElseIf CommaFound = False Then
ResultOne = SingleChr
Result = Result & ResultOne
End If
End If
Next GetPredCount

End Sub

Sub Trimmer()
CommaFound = False
StrLength = Len(Result)

For TrimmerCount = 1 To StrLength
SingleChrASC = Asc(Mid(Result, TrimmerCount, 1))
SingleChr = (Mid(Result, TrimmerCount, 1))

If SingleChrASC < 59 And SingleChrASC > 48 And CommaFound =
False Then
CommaFound = False
OutPutNumOne = SingleChr
OutPutNum = OutPutNum & OutPutNumOne
Else: CommaFound = True
End If

If CommaFound = True Then
OutPutTextone = SingleChr
OutPutText = OutPutText & OutPutTextone
End If
Next TrimmerCount
On Error Resume Next
If StrLength > 0 Then
' ********************************************************
ReDim Preserve XArray(1 To TTotal, 1 To ArrayDepth) 'Need to address
max array size
PredOutName = TNames(OutPutNum)
XArray(SwapCount, TrimCount) = PredOutName + " " + OutPutText

CountMembers = CountMembers + 1

If CountMembers > MaxMembers Then
MaxMembers = CountMembers
End If
' ********************************************************

RemovePlaces = Len(SomeText) - StrLength
If RemovePlaces = 0 Then
StrLength = 0
SomeText = ""
ElseIf RemovePlaces <> 0 Then
RemovePlaces = RemovePlaces - 1
End If

If RemovePlaces >= 1 Then
SomeText = Right(SomeText, RemovePlaces)
End If

End If

CountMembers = 1
End Sub

Sub BackandForth()

TrimCount = TrimCount + 1

If SomeText <> "" Then
End If

MaryCounter = MaryCounter + 1
If MaryCounter > 2000 Then
MaryCounter = 0
End If

End Sub

Sub GetClear()
OutPutNumOne = ""
OutPutNum = ""
OutPutTextone = ""
OutPutText = ""
Final = ""
JoinerTwo = ""
End Sub
Sub Export()

For Each t In ActiveProject.Tasks
r = t.ID

For XportCount = 1 To ArrayDepth
Joiner = XArray(r, XportCount)
If Joiner <> "" Then
JoinerTwo = Joiner & "/" & JoinerTwo
Final = JoinerTwo
End If
Next XportCount
If Len(Final) > 250 Then ' need noteation or
MsgBox "Please be aware that only the first 250
characters of your Task Name output will be displayed."
Final = Left(Final, 250)
End If
t.Text9 = Final
Next t
End Sub
Sub HailMary() ' this is my Dev "Save my Butt Code"
Dim Bailout As Integer
Bailout = MsgBox("Is there an ERROR? Click NO to escape or YES to
continue.", vbYesNo)
If Bailout = 7 Then
End If
End Sub

Sub messages()
If ArrayDepth < MaxMembers Then
MsgBox ("You used as many as " & MaxMembers & " Predecessors per task. This
Software was sized for only: " & ArrayDepth & ". Please have a tech re-adjust
this software for your Schedule. ")

ElseIf (ArrayDepth * 1.5) > MaxMembers Then
MsgBox ("You used as many as " & MaxMembers & " Predecessors per task. This
Software was sized for : " & ArrayDepth & ". If this Software seems slow have
a tech re-adjust the software for your Schedule. ")
End If
End Sub


Well, it certainly was a learning experience.
You can use my code if you like. It is much simpler.
You can see that using the TaskDependencies collection is much cleaner and
easier and can be handled with a for each statement. Also you can completely
avoid counting all the tasks and setting an array. Just doing away with the
string handling stuff would make your life easier.

Sub bob()
Dim ts As Tasks
Dim deps As TaskDependencies
Dim d As TaskDependency
Dim pString As String
Dim t As Task
Dim depType As String

Set ts = ActiveProject.Tasks
For Each t In ts
pString = ""
Set deps = t.TaskDependencies
For Each d In deps
If d.From.Name <> t.Name Then
Select Case d.Type
Case 0
depType = "FF"
Case 1
depType = "FS"
Case 2
depType = "SF"
Case 3
depType = "SS"
End Select
pString = pString & d.From.Name & "_" & depType & "_" &
d.Lag / 480 & " days" & vbCrLf
End If
Next d
t.Notes = pString
'if you really want to put it in text9 then use this code
'if len(pString) > 255 then
'msgbox "Hey, you have too many predecessors for " & t.Name &
'trim pString to manageable size and put a star in front of it.
'pString = "*" & left(pString, 254)
'end if
't.Text9 = pString
Next t
End Sub

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