Array to named range conversion...



The intention of my macro is to put all the wb's sheet names into
named range as per the code below. Then, use the named range as th
list in a "data validation" cell, which will use the named range as th

I've successfully been able to convert the array into a range, althoug
i can only populate the range horizontally (columns x 1 row). if i tr
to populate a vertical range, i get all the same value (the value o
index 1). I get similar results with the named range. And when I try t
use it in data validation, I get an error.

My workaround is to use the code to put the values into a horizonta
range, then use a named range to reference that range. Seems clunky an
unnecessary to include the intermediate step. Why not go from an arra
to a "n x 1" named range (vs a "1 x n")?

Sub updatesheets()

Dim m()
ReDim m(ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count)

For Each sht In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
m(n) = sht.Name
n = n + 1
Next sht

ActiveSheet.Range("a1").Resize(1, (n - 1)).Value = m

End Su

Jim Rech

Just make it a 'vertical' array to start with:

Sub updatesheets()
Dim Sht As Worksheet
Dim N As Integer
ReDim m(1 To ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count, 1 To 1)

For Each Sht In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
N = N + 1
m(N, 1) = Sht.Name
Next Sht
Range("a1").Resize(N).Value = m
End Sub

message |
| The intention of my macro is to put all the wb's sheet names into a
| named range as per the code below. Then, use the named range as the
| list in a "data validation" cell, which will use the named range as the
| list.
| I've successfully been able to convert the array into a range, although
| i can only populate the range horizontally (columns x 1 row). if i try
| to populate a vertical range, i get all the same value (the value of
| index 1). I get similar results with the named range. And when I try to
| use it in data validation, I get an error.
| My workaround is to use the code to put the values into a horizontal
| range, then use a named range to reference that range. Seems clunky and
| unnecessary to include the intermediate step. Why not go from an array
| to a "n x 1" named range (vs a "1 x n")?
| Code:
| --------------------
| Sub updatesheets()
| Dim m()
| ReDim m(ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count)
| For Each sht In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
| m(n) = sht.Name
| n = n + 1
| Next sht
| ActiveSheet.Range("a1").Resize(1, (n - 1)).Value = m
| End Sub
| --------------------
| --
| i-Zapp
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------
| i-Zapp's Profile:
| View this thread:


that's a step closer, but I still don't have the 'named range
configured properly yet.

at the end of your code, I added the following to create the name

ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="mynamedrange", RefersTo:=myarra
where 'myarray' is the array created by the macro.

if i then look at the newly created named range via Insert|Name|Defin
in Excel, then I get as a formula what looks like the classical arra
syntax, complete with brackets { }...


Jim Rech

at the end of your code, I added the following to create the named
range: ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="mynamedrange", RefersTo:=myarray

That really can't be true since I don't have a "myarray" in my code.

Once the sheet names are listed create a name for that range, not for the
array. At least if you're sticking with what you said in your first
message - "Then, use the named range as the
list in a "data validation"..."

message |
| that's a step closer, but I still don't have the 'named range'
| configured properly yet.
| at the end of your code, I added the following to create the named
| range:
| Code:
| --------------------
| ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="mynamedrange", RefersTo:=myarray
| --------------------
| where 'myarray' is the array created by the macro.
| if i then look at the newly created named range via Insert|Name|Define
| in Excel, then I get as a formula what looks like the classical array
| syntax, complete with brackets { }...
| Code:
| --------------------
| ={"Sheet1";"Sheet2";"Sheet3"}
| --------------------
| Problem is that it won't work as an argument for the data validation
| list source. How do I un-array it?
| .
| --
| i-Zapp
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------
| i-Zapp's Profile:
| View this thread:


I changed the array name for clarity's sake. Apparently, it had the
opposite effect.

I have not strayed from my original request, which is to seek a method
that takes the VB generated array and pumps it directly into a
named-range, but that is compatible with the source field of list-type
data validation, without needing to create an intermediate worksheet

The issue, I believe, is that data validation's source field is looking
for a -cell reference-. And by putting a named-range into that field
that's actually just a list of string items, it returns an error.

Seems like the long way around the barn, but I was hoping that someone
was hip to some Excel trickery that would streamline the solution.

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