Array with unknown elements(apologies if reposted)



Hi, I am trying to create an array that starts with a calculation and
then assigns that variable to the first element of the array. From
there the loop attempts to generate each suceeding element of the
array based on the previous element and some simple algebra. Let's say
that input3 generates a number that equals 2540. From there i redim
the table, assign input3 to the first element and proceed to generate
the array with the condition that Tble(rw) is less then 2550. I am
pretending that i don't know how many elements in the array it will
take to get to 2550, otherwise it would be easy. If this sounds kind
of ridiculous, I am really trying to use this as an example for when i
really won't know the number of elements to get to a given criteria.
If anyone has any ideas id appreciate it. Below is what i have so far.

Sub Test()
Dim Input1, Input2, Input3, Box As Double
Dim Tble() As String
Dim rw, x, y As Integer

Input1 = Cells(1, 1).Value
Input2 = Cells(2, 1).Value

Input3 = Input1 * Input2

Cells(3, 1).Value = Input3

ReDim Preserve Tble(rw)
Tble(0) = Input3
rw = 1
Tble(rw) = Tble(rw - 1) + 1
Loop While Tble(rw) <= 2550

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