Arrow color on Autofilter



I use autofilters a lot in Excel at work. It is hard to distinguish the blue
arrows from the black when I filter a column. It would be easier to read if
the arrow turned white instead.

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I completely agree. I'm always using Autofilters and was wishing the same
thing. I found a solution that doesn't change the color, but definately
helps. If you don't mind adding a little code to your spreadsheet, try this:

Instert a new module and add this code:

Function FilterCriteria(Rng As Range) As String
Dim Filter As String
Filter = ""
On Error GoTo Finish
With Rng.Parent.AutoFilter
If Intersect(Rng, .Range) Is Nothing Then GoTo Finish
With .Filters(Rng.Column - .Range.Column + 1)
If Not .On Then GoTo Finish
Filter = .Criteria1
Select Case .Operator
Case xlAnd
Filter = Filter & " AND " & .Criteria2
Case xlOr
Filter = Filter & " OR " & .Criteria2
End Select
End With
End With
FilterCriteria = Filter
End Function

Then, back on your spreadsheet, add a new row above your Autofilter row.
Use the following formula in each cell above any filters:


Cell A4 would refer to the first cell containing data in that column.


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