Hi =?Utf-8?B?TWFyeSBMZWU=?=,
OK, moving to Word 2000 (I think it was) Word included a new functionality that
allows text in tables to wrap around graphics. When a graphic is anchored in a
table, however, this also affects the vertical alignment (everything goes to the
top, as you've observed). What you need to do:
1. Turn on the display of object anchors (Tools/Options/View)
2. Click on such an arrow, and look for the anchor symbol.
3. DRAG that symbol to a paragraph *outside the table*
4. Right-click the arrow, go into the formatting menus, the one for Layout, and
Advanced. You want to *lock* the anchor so that it can't slip back inside the
1. From which previous version did you upgrade? Word 97
2. Can you please describe what the text is doing differently? Is it "flowing around" the arrow, or?
Two things. In most cases I have the text left jusitified, centered
top-to-bottom, and it makes the text go to the top. I have to put space above to
get it to move down again. The other thing is having the arrow just disappear
when I try to move it. I have also had new arrows behave the same way. Our
internal help desk could not figure it out, either.
3. What is the layout formatting of such an arrow? Layout is in front of text,
but I played around with that and did not solve it.
Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Sep 30 2003)
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