Donald C. McNeilly
Publisher 03 has just turned my web pages into a nightmare. Rulers have
changed from inches to pixels and yes, I have changed them back several
times. Pub03 has also decided that my page should be 48 inches long. I have
no pages that long I always stay within the bounds defined. Under page setup
the default page size shows 7.xxx inches wide and NO height available. I
change to custom of 7.5 by 14 which was a previous default size I have
always used. Once I do that, my content is in one place and much further
down is the background with nothing on it.
changed from inches to pixels and yes, I have changed them back several
times. Pub03 has also decided that my page should be 48 inches long. I have
no pages that long I always stay within the bounds defined. Under page setup
the default page size shows 7.xxx inches wide and NO height available. I
change to custom of 7.5 by 14 which was a previous default size I have
always used. Once I do that, my content is in one place and much further
down is the background with nothing on it.