I've never taken a course, pretty much self taught, trial and error. Please
be patient!
Here's my question....
A B C D E ........
1 date last name first attendant ......
2 " " " "
column A is left blank. Let's say, person in row 2 phones to cancel, I
want to type in A2 "cxx" and have it automatically highlight the entire row 2
in red. Likewise, I'd like to insert a line for a new client....type in A#,
ADDED, and have that row turn green with yellow font. Etc....
Is this possible? I've looked through many other threads and come close but
not close enough. I'm on Excel 2007 and need "click by click" instructions.
Thanks, MM
be patient!
Here's my question....
A B C D E ........
1 date last name first attendant ......
2 " " " "
column A is left blank. Let's say, person in row 2 phones to cancel, I
want to type in A2 "cxx" and have it automatically highlight the entire row 2
in red. Likewise, I'd like to insert a line for a new client....type in A#,
ADDED, and have that row turn green with yellow font. Etc....
Is this possible? I've looked through many other threads and come close but
not close enough. I'm on Excel 2007 and need "click by click" instructions.
Thanks, MM