articel number??????



Hello, I like to connect numbers and a description!
For example:

___----------A B
1 1234 Watch
2 1235 Jeans

If I put in a number I like to get the description automatic
Maybe I put the number 1234 in A1 at a other sheet then I like to get
the description Watch at b1. In Germany it is called “sverweis” but I
don’t know the English function!
Please Help me!!!!

Gord Dibben


Sheet1 Column A contains numbers.

Sheet1 Column B contains Articles.

Sheet2 A1 is where you enter a number that would be on Sheet1.

Sheet2 B1 enter =VLOOKUP(A1,Sheet1!$A$1:$B$100,2,FALSE)

Sheet2 B1 will return the Article associated with the number you enter in A1

Gord Dibben XL2002

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