I am trying to do a carriage return but for some reason it is not working in
my code.
There is no error other than it does not appear on the next line.
subject = "Corrective Action Request " & [CarId] & " has been issued."
.HTMLBody = Me.ItemNumber & ", has the following issue:" & Chr$(10) &
Chr$(13) _
& Me.ProblemDescription & Chr$(10) & Chr$(13) & "Audit Results: " & _
(Char13) & Me.AuditResults & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & _
"This issue has been assigned to:" & Me.cmbCarOwner & " for resolution"
my code.
There is no error other than it does not appear on the next line.
subject = "Corrective Action Request " & [CarId] & " has been issued."
.HTMLBody = Me.ItemNumber & ", has the following issue:" & Chr$(10) &
Chr$(13) _
& Me.ProblemDescription & Chr$(10) & Chr$(13) & "Audit Results: " & _
(Char13) & Me.AuditResults & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & _
"This issue has been assigned to:" & Me.cmbCarOwner & " for resolution"