ask for specific users to attend, goes to everyone



If I set up a meeting and ask two individuals to attend,
the email goes out to three GROUPS which basically covers
the entire company, instead of just going to the two
individuals that I had intended it to go to. I also get
people accepting on behalf of others that I sent it to.
One person sent me the email back and it showed as if the
Three Groups were the one I sent it to and the individual
names of the two people I wanted were not even in the
list? Does anyone know why?


Let me add something. There are 10 users. If I invite
any of them individually, it goes to them and is OK
Except for this one user. If I add the one user then
instead of going to that person, it goes to the three
groups. So I have narrowed the issue down to one user.
Has anyone ever seen this before?

Sue Mosher [MVP]

Did that user set the group as a delegate?
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Outlook and Exchange solutions at
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers


No. No one actually used the group at all. They just
exist in exchange. One group is ITHelp, the other is
Remote Users, the third is Main Office Users. I set up
this meeting for this one person and no one else as a
test. By sending it to her, it really went to the three
groups. Then each of the others in the firm were
replying to it on behalf of her. I took a look at their
replies and it was listed in the TO: as going to the
three groups and not to any individual user at all.

Sue Mosher [MVP]

I still say that the likely explanation is that user has a delegate set. Or
maybe that somebody's mailbox has the groups set as alternate recipients?
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Outlook and Exchange solutions at
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers


If you remove a delegate set, do you have to restart any
of the services for it to take effect? There was a set
and it was removed, but the test that followed resulted
in the same three groups getting the message.


I removed everything in the delegate set, restarted all
of the Microsoft Exchange services, by stopping them
first, then starting, and sent an appt inviting this one
user and one other. I got an email back to me asking me
to "Please respond on behalf of 'user'" Where 'user' is
the one I'm having the issues with. So I choose to
Decline and I get an email back saying that I have
declined on that users behalf.

Sue Mosher [MVP]

Permission changes may take a couple of hours to be applied. You might need
to look at permissions on parent containers as well.


I cannot explain the situation. My associate had created
the user and when I found the three groups in the
Delegate set he said he never set that up. I had the
user export what she needed to a pst file and I blew the
user away and recreated her. No problems so far. Sue, I
want to thank you very much for responding to my
inquiry. It helps me to know that as I continue to build
boxes with Microsoft software that there are people like
yourself that are available when issues arise. Thank you
very much.


Sue Mosher [MVP]

It's a shame when you have to use brute force to resolve an issue like this,
but happily, it usually works. Glad to hear you're running smoothly so far.

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