asking for an old email account network password



I am using Microsoft Outlook 2003, I have recently changed ISP's and
therefore mail accounts. I have removed the old mail accounts etc, and put
the new ones in. My problem is that it keeps asking for a network password
for my old email accounts and trying to send 3 emails that dont' appear in my
outbox, just the message down the bottom says sending 1 of 3 emails, and then
an error comes up saying it can't send them, I cannot find the emails it is
trying to send, and also I am prompted for the old mail server.


Thank you Kathleen, that solved one problem, the messages are no longer
trying to send at the bottom of the window, however, it is still asking me
for my old isp network password, and their is definitely no traces of that
email account in my email settings, any ideas?


I did have a couple of rules in there, but they related more to who sent the
email, but I removed them anyway, but it is still asking for the network


Hi Kathleen, have done that also, and I had an old version of microsoft
outlook express, so I got rid of any old mail accounts in there too....

K. Orland

In this case I'd be tempted to create a new Outlook profile. You might even
want to create a new PST and drag the contents of the old one into it.

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