ASP 0131 Error


Michael Buro

I am tying to use the "database interface wizard" and the
resulting code produces an error message that the include
statement cannot use .. to refer to the parent directory.
The suggested fix was to place an include statement that
uses a virtual path. However, when I use the statement:
#include virtual="/fpclass/" or #include
virtual="_fpclass/" I get the message that
the file cannot be found. Regardless of where I place
this statment I get the same response. I next tried to
edit the include (which is part of a webbot component)
and no matter what changes I make, they revert back to
the original statment. I have tried placing the 'fix'
right after the webbot statment, but I imagine that an
ASP page stops processing upon encountering the first
error, so it would not appear that my over
riding 'include' is ever read.
So just where EXACTLY is this statment supposed to
reside? In a supplemental file? HELP!!!!


Yes I am aware of why I cannot do it, I just want to know
how to implement the fix. As per MS they have
reservations about turning this feature on.
-----Original Message-----
Hi Michael,

The .. is disallowed because the server has parent
pathing turned off. Speak with your ISP / WPP about
having it turned on.

Michael Buro

Either you are missing the point or I am being obtuse. MS
posted a fix or workaround this problem, for use by the
products named in the fix. The fix either doesnt work
because of the nature of the product or I am not applying
the fix as indictated. I know that I could ask my SA to
turn the parenting feature, but that would be like asking
the president to appear naked in public, just aint gonna
happen. So again my question is "how do I apply
this 'fix' to a product that insists on not
accepting/allowing it?????
-----Original Message-----
Then ask them if they allow you to use FSO. If they do
then they have had better check the permissions on the
web server.

Michael Buro

Perhaps if you took the time to read my messages you
would see that I have tried the suggestions as provided
by Microsoft. I have tried absolute links (see my
original post) but have asked if the placement is
correct. Since this page uses a wizard to create it, it
would appear that any modification made to the generated
code only results in it being replaced by the original
GENERATED code. If you have a fix please be more explicit
in your explanations.

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