ASP and data submission into a database



I have an oracle database and a form... when trying to submit the data i get
the follwoing error....Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error

[Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-00921: unexpected end of SQL command

/sba_home/Students/Undergraduate/international/George/International/apply/afterapply-back-up-2-16-2005-do-not-touch.asp, line 48

Here is my code from line 1 to line 50:


<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 6.0">
<meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">



<!--#include file="../access/string.asp"-->
Dim strInsert
adCmdText = 1

bannerid = request.form("BannerID")
firstName = request.form("First_name")
lastName = request.form("Last_name")
nickName = request.form("nickname")
sex = request.form("Sex")
birthday = request.form("Birthdate")
citizen = request.form("Citizen")
if citizen = "Yes" then citizen = 1 else citizen = 0
major = request.form("Major")
creditHours = request.form("CreditHrs")
gpa = request.form("GPA")
Dorm = request.form("Campus_Mail")
if Dorm = "-1" then Dorm = 1 else Dorm = 0
localAddress = request.form("Local_Address")
localApt = request.form("Local_Apt")
localCity = request.form("Local_City")
localState = request.form("Local_State")
localZipCode = request.form("Local_Zip")
localPhoneNumber = request.form("Local_Phone")
cellPhoneNumber = request.form("Cell_Phone")
Email = request.form("email")
PermanentAddress = request.form("Permanent_address")
PermanentCity = request.form("Permanant_City")
PermanentState = request.form("Permanent_State")
PermanentZipCode = request.form("Permanent_Zip")
PermanentPhoneNumber = request.form("Permanent_Phone")
overseasExp = request.form("Overseas_Experience")
ReasonsToTravel = request.form("Why_Attend")

strSQL = "Update student_data SET bannerid = '"& BannerID &"' WHERE
BannerID = "& CurrentBannerID
THIS IS LINE 48 : dbConnection.execute(strSQL)
strSQL = "Update student_data SET firstName = '"& First_name &"' WHERE
BannerID = "& CurrentBannerID

I am frustrated beyond belief, have no clue what the problem can be...

Kevin Spencer

There is no variable named "CurrentBannerID." There is also no variable
named "First_Name." You DO have a variable named "bannerid" and a variable
named "firstname."


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Everybody picks their nose,
But some people are better at hiding it.

Stefan B Rusynko

And none of your other fields are being passed to the update thru strSQL, so they won't be updated

You need to progressively build your strSQL (presuming DB field names are same as your variable names) to include all fields and
values (that are not Empty from the form!) to be updated using say "strInsert" as:

bannerid = request.form("BannerID")
strInsert = "bannerid = '" & bannerid & "'"
' 1st field no , is allowed before fieldname
firstName = request.form("First_name")
strInsert = strInsert & ", firstName = '" & firstName & "'"
' for other fields a , required before fieldname
lastName = request.form("Last_name")
strInsert = strInsert & ", lastName = '" & lastName & "'"

.... and so on w/ the correct variable delimiters for each the field data types (the ' delimiter is just for text), and then
add strInsert to your strSQL

strSQL = "Update student_data SET " & strInsert
strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE bannerid = '" & bannerid & "'"

And set the correct DB connection parameters for the Update
(that is the reason you have set adCmdText = 1)

Set objCmd.ActiveConnection = dbConnection
objCmd.CommandText = strSQL
objCmd.CommandType = adCmdText

| There is no variable named "CurrentBannerID." There is also no variable
| named "First_Name." You DO have a variable named "bannerid" and a variable
| named "firstname."
| --
| HTH,
| Kevin Spencer
| Microsoft MVP
| .Net Developer
| Everybody picks their nose,
| But some people are better at hiding it.
| | >I have an oracle database and a form... when trying to submit the data i
| >get
| > the follwoing error....Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error
| > '80004005'
| >
| > [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-00921: unexpected end of SQL command
| >
| > /sba_home/Students/Undergraduate/international/George/International/apply/afterapply-back-up-2-16-2005-do-not-touch.asp,
| > line 48
| >
| > Here is my code from line 1 to line 50:
| >
| > <html>
| >
| > <head>
| > <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 6.0">
| > <meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
| > <title>International</title>
| >
| > </head>
| >
| > <body>
| >
| > <!--#include file="../access/string.asp"-->
| > <%
| > Dim strInsert
| > adCmdText = 1
| >
| > bannerid = request.form("BannerID")
| > firstName = request.form("First_name")
| > lastName = request.form("Last_name")
| > nickName = request.form("nickname")
| > sex = request.form("Sex")
| > birthday = request.form("Birthdate")
| > citizen = request.form("Citizen")
| > if citizen = "Yes" then citizen = 1 else citizen = 0
| > major = request.form("Major")
| > creditHours = request.form("CreditHrs")
| > gpa = request.form("GPA")
| > Dorm = request.form("Campus_Mail")
| > if Dorm = "-1" then Dorm = 1 else Dorm = 0
| > localAddress = request.form("Local_Address")
| > localApt = request.form("Local_Apt")
| > localCity = request.form("Local_City")
| > localState = request.form("Local_State")
| > localZipCode = request.form("Local_Zip")
| > localPhoneNumber = request.form("Local_Phone")
| > cellPhoneNumber = request.form("Cell_Phone")
| > Email = request.form("email")
| > PermanentAddress = request.form("Permanent_address")
| > PermanentCity = request.form("Permanant_City")
| > PermanentState = request.form("Permanent_State")
| > PermanentZipCode = request.form("Permanent_Zip")
| > PermanentPhoneNumber = request.form("Permanent_Phone")
| > overseasExp = request.form("Overseas_Experience")
| > ReasonsToTravel = request.form("Why_Attend")
| >
| >
| > strSQL = "Update student_data SET bannerid = '"& BannerID &"' WHERE
| > BannerID = "& CurrentBannerID
| > THIS IS LINE 48 : dbConnection.execute(strSQL)
| > strSQL = "Update student_data SET firstName = '"& First_name &"' WHERE
| > BannerID = "& CurrentBannerID
| > dbConnection.execute(strSQL)
| >
| > I am frustrated beyond belief, have no clue what the problem can be...
| >
| >
| >
| >
| >
| >
| >
| >
| >


I cleaned up everything and now I am getting an error:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'

Object required: 'objCmd'

/sba_home/Students/Undergraduate/international/after-back-up-2-16-2005-do-not-touch_Copy.asp, line 165

See bottome for line 165.

Also, I could greatly appreciate if either of you would suggest some great
books or references I could learn more ASP from, because right now I am a
little lost to say the least. Thanks!


Set dbConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
dbConnection.Open "dsn=sba;uid=sbait;pwd=1981;"

Dim strInsert
adCmdText = 1

bannerid = request.form("BannerID")
strInsert="bannerid"= " & bannerid & "
lastName = request.form("Last_name")
strInsert="lastName"= " & lastName & "
firstName = request.form("First_name")
strInsert="firstName"= " & firstName & "
'nickName = request.form("nickname")
sex = request.form("Sex")
strInsert="sex"= " & sex & "
birthday = request.form("Birthdate")
strInsert="birthday"= " & birthday & "
citizen = request.form("Citizen")
strInsert="citizen"= " & citizen & "
if citizen = "Yes" then citizen = 1 else citizen = 0
major = request.form("Major")
strInsert="major"= " & major & "
creditHours = request.form("CreditHrs")
strInsert="creditHours"= " & creditHours & "
gpa = request.form("GPA")
strInsert="gpa"= " & gpa &"
tuitiontype = request.form("Tuition_Type")
strInsert="tuitiontype" = " & tuitiontype & "
Dorm = request.form("Campus_Mail")
strInsert="Dorm"= " & Dorm & "
if Dorm = "-1" then Dorm = 1 else Dorm = 0
localAddress = request.form("Local_Address")
strInsert="localAddress"= " & localAddress & "
localApt = request.form("Local_Apt")
strInsert="localApt"= " & localApt & "
localCity = request.form("Local_City")
strInsert="localCity"= " & localCity & "
localState = request.form("Local_State")
strInsert="localState"= " & localState & "
localZipCode = request.form("Local_Zip")
strInsert="localZipCode"= " & localZipCode & "
localPhoneNumber = request.form("Local_Phone")
strInsert="localPhoneNumber"= " & localPhoneNumber & "
cellPhoneNumber = request.form("Cell_Phone")
strInsert="cellPhoneNumber"= " & cellPhoneNumber & "
Email = request.form("email")
strInsert="Email"= " & Email & "
PermanentAddress = request.form("Permanent_address")
strInsert="PermanentAddress"= " & PermanentAddress & "
PermanentCity = request.form("Permanant_City")
strInsert="PermanentCity"= " & PermanentCity & "
PermanentState = request.form("Permanent_State")
strInsert="Permanent_State"= " & Permanent_State & "
PermanentZipCode = request.form("Permanent_Zip")
strInsert="PermanentZipCode"= " & PermanentZipCode & "
PermanentPhoneNumber = request.form("Permanent_Phone")
strInsert="PermanentPhoneNumber"= " & PermanentPhoneNumber & "
overseasExp = request.form("Overseas_Experience")
strInsert="overseasExp"= " & overseasExp & "
ReasonsToTravel = request.form("Why_Attend")
strInsert="ReasonToTravel"= " & ReasonToTravel & "

Date_Submitted =date()

defered = 0

'Student Program Choice

choice1 = request.form("Choice1")
strInsert = "choice1" = "& choice1 &"
choice2 = request.form("Choice2")
strInsert = "choice2" = "& choice2 &"
choice3 = request.form("Choice3")
strInsert = "choice3" = "& choice3 &"
choice4 = request.form("Choice4")
strInsert = "choice4" = "& choice4 &"
choice5 = request.form("Choice5")
strInsert = "choice5" = "& choice5 &"
choice6 = request.form("Choice6")
strInsert = "choice6" = "& choice6 &"
choice7 = request.form("Choice7")
strInsert = "choice7" = "& choice7 &"

if (choice1 = "n/a") then
choice1_status = ""
choice1_status = "Applied"
end if

if (choice2 = "n/a") then
choice2_status = ""
choice2_status = "Applied"
end if

if (choice3 = "n/a") then
choice3_status = ""
choice3_status = "Applied"
end if

if (choice4 = "n/a") then
choice4_status = ""
choice4_status = "Applied"
end if
if (choice5 = "n/a") then
choice5_status = ""
choice5_status = "Applied"
end if

if (choice6 = "n/a") then
choice6_status = ""
choice6_status = "Applied"
end if

if (choice7 = "n/a") then
choice7_status = ""
choice7_status = "Applied"
end if

'Student Emergency Contact Information

ecname = request.form("EC_Name")
strInsert = "ecname" = "& ecname &"
ecrelationship = request.form("EC_Relationship")
strInsert = "ecrelationship" = " & ecrelationship & "
ecaddress = request.form("EC_Address")
strInsert = "ecaddress" = " & ecaddress & "
eccity= request.form("EC_City")
strInsert = "eccity" = " & eccity & "
ecstate = request.form("EC_State")
strInsert = "ecstate" = " & ecstate & "
eczip = request.form("EC_Zip")
strInsert = "eczip" = " & eczip & "
echomephone = request.form("EC_HomePhone")
strInsert = "echomephone" = " & echomephone & "
echomecellphone = request.form("EC_HomeCellPhone")
strInsert = "echomecellphone" = " & echomecellphone & "

strSQL = "UPDATE student_data SET "&strInsert
strSQL = strSQL&" WHERE bannerid = "& bannerid &""

Set objCmd.ActiveConnection = dbConnection
objCmd.CommandText = strlSQL
objCmd.CommandType = adCmdText

Red_Star20 said:
I have an oracle database and a form... when trying to submit the data i get
the follwoing error....Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error

[Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-00921: unexpected end of SQL command

/sba_home/Students/Undergraduate/international/George/International/apply/afterapply-back-up-2-16-2005-do-not-touch.asp, line 48

Here is my code from line 1 to line 50:


<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 6.0">
<meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">



<!--#include file="../access/string.asp"-->
Dim strInsert
adCmdText = 1

bannerid = request.form("BannerID")
firstName = request.form("First_name")
lastName = request.form("Last_name")
nickName = request.form("nickname")
sex = request.form("Sex")
birthday = request.form("Birthdate")
citizen = request.form("Citizen")
if citizen = "Yes" then citizen = 1 else citizen = 0
major = request.form("Major")
creditHours = request.form("CreditHrs")
gpa = request.form("GPA")
Dorm = request.form("Campus_Mail")
if Dorm = "-1" then Dorm = 1 else Dorm = 0
localAddress = request.form("Local_Address")
localApt = request.form("Local_Apt")
localCity = request.form("Local_City")
localState = request.form("Local_State")
localZipCode = request.form("Local_Zip")
localPhoneNumber = request.form("Local_Phone")
cellPhoneNumber = request.form("Cell_Phone")
Email = request.form("email")
PermanentAddress = request.form("Permanent_address")
PermanentCity = request.form("Permanant_City")
PermanentState = request.form("Permanent_State")
PermanentZipCode = request.form("Permanent_Zip")
PermanentPhoneNumber = request.form("Permanent_Phone")
overseasExp = request.form("Overseas_Experience")
ReasonsToTravel = request.form("Why_Attend")

strSQL = "Update student_data SET bannerid = '"& BannerID &"' WHERE
BannerID = "& CurrentBannerID
THIS IS LINE 48 : dbConnection.execute(strSQL)
strSQL = "Update student_data SET firstName = '"& First_name &"' WHERE
BannerID = "& CurrentBannerID

I am frustrated beyond belief, have no clue what the problem can be...

JIMCO Software

Red_Star20 said:
I cleaned up everything and now I am getting an error:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'

Object required: 'objCmd'

Set objCmd.ActiveConnection = dbConnection
objCmd.CommandText = strlSQL
objCmd.CommandType = adCmdText

You're trying to use objCmd, but you haven't actually instantiated anything.

Jim Cheshire
JIMCO Software

FrontPage add-ins for FrontPage 2000 - 2003

Stefan B Rusynko

That's one of many errors you will get
- see delimiters below
Carefully look at the code sample in my 1st post

The specific error is probably coming from the line
Set objCmd.ActiveConnection = dbConnection

Note that your snippet has
objCmd.CommandText = strlSQL
and the variable is strSQL not strlSQL
- there is no l (el) in the variable strSQL

And since I didn't know where you are getting your original dbConnection from my code sample presumed that someplace (like in your
include page) you declared that object correctly
- My code sample is making a new object objCmd as the active connection equal to that declaration
Typically can be done as:

'Create and open the database object
Set dbConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
dbConnection.Open "dsn=sba;uid=sbait;pwd=1981;"
' if that is a valid connection that works!
'Create the command object
Set objCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
'Set the command object properties
Set objCmd.ActiveConnection = dbConnection
objCmd.CommandText = strSQL
objCmd.CommandType = adCmdText
'Execute the command

As for delimiters
- my sample showed that you need to delimit each value passed based on its variable type
- using say a single quote before ' and another single quote after ' for text field values,
and a # before and after # for date fields, etc)

You don't have any delimiters in your code so unless they are all set as numbers in the DB field type (which I doubt based on your
data) you will get errors in the final update sql statement where they are required!
And your strInsert needs to build on itself from each prior strInsert, or it wipes out the prior values you are trying to build

For example you just have (no building and no delimiters and misplaced quotes) as
strInsert="lastName"= " & lastName & "
and should have
strInsert= strInsert & "lastName = '" & lastName & "'"

That is a single quote ( ' ) before the 1st closing quote in strInsert="lastName"= '"
And another single quote ( ' ) inside of the last set of quotes after & lastName &

For testing the strSQL to spot errors add the below response write code below just after the line
strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE bannerid = '" & bannerid &"'"

Response.Write "strSQL = " & crlf & strSQL &crlf & crlf 'Debug Only

Strongly Suggest you look at some tutorials or samples like at:

Don't post your site URL in the newsgroup since your code snippet appears to contain your actual DB user ID and password

|I cleaned up everything and now I am getting an error:
| Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'
| Object required: 'objCmd'
| /sba_home/Students/Undergraduate/international/after-back-up-2-16-2005-do-not-touch_Copy.asp, line 165
| See bottome for line 165.
| Also, I could greatly appreciate if either of you would suggest some great
| books or references I could learn more ASP from, because right now I am a
| little lost to say the least. Thanks!
| <%
| Set dbConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
| dbConnection.Open "dsn=sba;uid=sbait;pwd=1981;"
| Dim strInsert
| adCmdText = 1
| bannerid = request.form("BannerID")
| strInsert="bannerid"= " & bannerid & "
| lastName = request.form("Last_name")
| strInsert="lastName"= " & lastName & "
| firstName = request.form("First_name")
| strInsert="firstName"= " & firstName & "
| 'nickName = request.form("nickname")
| sex = request.form("Sex")
| strInsert="sex"= " & sex & "
| birthday = request.form("Birthdate")
| strInsert="birthday"= " & birthday & "
| citizen = request.form("Citizen")
| strInsert="citizen"= " & citizen & "
| if citizen = "Yes" then citizen = 1 else citizen = 0
| major = request.form("Major")
| strInsert="major"= " & major & "
| creditHours = request.form("CreditHrs")
| strInsert="creditHours"= " & creditHours & "
| gpa = request.form("GPA")
| strInsert="gpa"= " & gpa &"
| tuitiontype = request.form("Tuition_Type")
| strInsert="tuitiontype" = " & tuitiontype & "
| Dorm = request.form("Campus_Mail")
| strInsert="Dorm"= " & Dorm & "
| if Dorm = "-1" then Dorm = 1 else Dorm = 0
| localAddress = request.form("Local_Address")
| strInsert="localAddress"= " & localAddress & "
| localApt = request.form("Local_Apt")
| strInsert="localApt"= " & localApt & "
| localCity = request.form("Local_City")
| strInsert="localCity"= " & localCity & "
| localState = request.form("Local_State")
| strInsert="localState"= " & localState & "
| localZipCode = request.form("Local_Zip")
| strInsert="localZipCode"= " & localZipCode & "
| localPhoneNumber = request.form("Local_Phone")
| strInsert="localPhoneNumber"= " & localPhoneNumber & "
| cellPhoneNumber = request.form("Cell_Phone")
| strInsert="cellPhoneNumber"= " & cellPhoneNumber & "
| Email = request.form("email")
| strInsert="Email"= " & Email & "
| PermanentAddress = request.form("Permanent_address")
| strInsert="PermanentAddress"= " & PermanentAddress & "
| PermanentCity = request.form("Permanant_City")
| strInsert="PermanentCity"= " & PermanentCity & "
| PermanentState = request.form("Permanent_State")
| strInsert="Permanent_State"= " & Permanent_State & "
| PermanentZipCode = request.form("Permanent_Zip")
| strInsert="PermanentZipCode"= " & PermanentZipCode & "
| PermanentPhoneNumber = request.form("Permanent_Phone")
| strInsert="PermanentPhoneNumber"= " & PermanentPhoneNumber & "
| overseasExp = request.form("Overseas_Experience")
| strInsert="overseasExp"= " & overseasExp & "
| ReasonsToTravel = request.form("Why_Attend")
| strInsert="ReasonToTravel"= " & ReasonToTravel & "
| Date_Submitted =date()
| defered = 0
| 'Student Program Choice
| choice1 = request.form("Choice1")
| strInsert = "choice1" = "& choice1 &"
| choice2 = request.form("Choice2")
| strInsert = "choice2" = "& choice2 &"
| choice3 = request.form("Choice3")
| strInsert = "choice3" = "& choice3 &"
| choice4 = request.form("Choice4")
| strInsert = "choice4" = "& choice4 &"
| choice5 = request.form("Choice5")
| strInsert = "choice5" = "& choice5 &"
| choice6 = request.form("Choice6")
| strInsert = "choice6" = "& choice6 &"
| choice7 = request.form("Choice7")
| strInsert = "choice7" = "& choice7 &"
| if (choice1 = "n/a") then
| choice1_status = ""
| else
| choice1_status = "Applied"
| end if
| if (choice2 = "n/a") then
| choice2_status = ""
| else
| choice2_status = "Applied"
| end if
| if (choice3 = "n/a") then
| choice3_status = ""
| else
| choice3_status = "Applied"
| end if
| if (choice4 = "n/a") then
| choice4_status = ""
| else
| choice4_status = "Applied"
| end if
| if (choice5 = "n/a") then
| choice5_status = ""
| else
| choice5_status = "Applied"
| end if
| if (choice6 = "n/a") then
| choice6_status = ""
| else
| choice6_status = "Applied"
| end if
| if (choice7 = "n/a") then
| choice7_status = ""
| else
| choice7_status = "Applied"
| end if
| 'Student Emergency Contact Information
| ecname = request.form("EC_Name")
| strInsert = "ecname" = "& ecname &"
| ecrelationship = request.form("EC_Relationship")
| strInsert = "ecrelationship" = " & ecrelationship & "
| ecaddress = request.form("EC_Address")
| strInsert = "ecaddress" = " & ecaddress & "
| eccity= request.form("EC_City")
| strInsert = "eccity" = " & eccity & "
| ecstate = request.form("EC_State")
| strInsert = "ecstate" = " & ecstate & "
| eczip = request.form("EC_Zip")
| strInsert = "eczip" = " & eczip & "
| echomephone = request.form("EC_HomePhone")
| strInsert = "echomephone" = " & echomephone & "
| echomecellphone = request.form("EC_HomeCellPhone")
| strInsert = "echomecellphone" = " & echomecellphone & "
| strSQL = "UPDATE student_data SET "&strInsert
| strSQL = strSQL&" WHERE bannerid = "& bannerid &""
| Set objCmd.ActiveConnection = dbConnection
| objCmd.CommandText = strlSQL
| objCmd.CommandType = adCmdText
| objCmd.Execute
| "Red_Star20" wrote:
| > I have an oracle database and a form... when trying to submit the data i get
| > the follwoing error....Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error
| > '80004005'
| >
| > [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-00921: unexpected end of SQL command
| >
| > /sba_home/Students/Undergraduate/international/George/International/apply/afterapply-back-up-2-16-2005-do-not-touch.asp, line 48
| >
| > Here is my code from line 1 to line 50:
| >
| > <html>
| >
| > <head>
| > <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 6.0">
| > <meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
| > <title>International</title>
| >
| > </head>
| >
| > <body>
| >
| > <!--#include file="../access/string.asp"-->
| > <%
| > Dim strInsert
| > adCmdText = 1
| >
| > bannerid = request.form("BannerID")
| > firstName = request.form("First_name")
| > lastName = request.form("Last_name")
| > nickName = request.form("nickname")
| > sex = request.form("Sex")
| > birthday = request.form("Birthdate")
| > citizen = request.form("Citizen")
| > if citizen = "Yes" then citizen = 1 else citizen = 0
| > major = request.form("Major")
| > creditHours = request.form("CreditHrs")
| > gpa = request.form("GPA")
| > Dorm = request.form("Campus_Mail")
| > if Dorm = "-1" then Dorm = 1 else Dorm = 0
| > localAddress = request.form("Local_Address")
| > localApt = request.form("Local_Apt")
| > localCity = request.form("Local_City")
| > localState = request.form("Local_State")
| > localZipCode = request.form("Local_Zip")
| > localPhoneNumber = request.form("Local_Phone")
| > cellPhoneNumber = request.form("Cell_Phone")
| > Email = request.form("email")
| > PermanentAddress = request.form("Permanent_address")
| > PermanentCity = request.form("Permanant_City")
| > PermanentState = request.form("Permanent_State")
| > PermanentZipCode = request.form("Permanent_Zip")
| > PermanentPhoneNumber = request.form("Permanent_Phone")
| > overseasExp = request.form("Overseas_Experience")
| > ReasonsToTravel = request.form("Why_Attend")
| >
| >
| > strSQL = "Update student_data SET bannerid = '"& BannerID &"' WHERE
| > BannerID = "& CurrentBannerID
| > THIS IS LINE 48 : dbConnection.execute(strSQL)
| > strSQL = "Update student_data SET firstName = '"& First_name &"' WHERE
| > BannerID = "& CurrentBannerID
| > dbConnection.execute(strSQL)
| >
| > I am frustrated beyond belief, have no clue what the problem can be...
| >
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| >
| >

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