I have several forms which worked fine but after our
server people installed a bunch of security patches it
broke my asp code (so they tell me). I want to switch
these forms over to the Front Page Form handler. It SEEMS
that Front Page will not let me use asp/shtm pages. (I
have server side includes and need to use those types of
The page is www.hecksprinting.com/dana/login_request2.asp
If anyone is savy with asp code, maybe you can tell me
why my original pages stopped working after these patches
were installed. It will still burn the info to the
database, but will not send out the email.
<!-- #include file="adovb.inc" -->
<!-- #include file="OrdersConnection.asp" -->
'For I = 0 To Session.Contents.Count
'Response.Write Session.Contents.Key(I)
& " = " & Session.Contents.Item(I) & "<br>"
' Open the database connection
' Build the query to "burn" all the shipping,
' and credit card database into each order record
Dim query
' Base query
query = "UPDATE Orders SET "
' Contact information
query = query & "UserName ='" & Session
("UserName") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_firstName ='" & Session
("Contact_firstName") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_MidName ='" & Session
("Contact_MidName") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_lastName ='" & Session
("Contact_lastName") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_division ='" & Session
("Contact_Division") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_entity ='" & Session
("Contact_Entity") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_address ='" & Session
("Contact_Address") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_city ='" & Session
("Contact_City") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_state ='" & Session
("Contact_State") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_zip ='" & Session
("Contact_Zip") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_country ='" & Session
("Contact_Country") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_phonename ='" & Session
("Contact_Phonename") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_phone ='" & Session
("Contact_Phone") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_ext ='" & Session
("Contact_Ext") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_phonename2 ='" & Session
("Contact_Phonename2") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_phone2 ='" & Session
("Contact_Phone2") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_email ='" & Session
("Contact_Email") & "', "
' Shipping information
query = query & "Ship_firstName = '" & Session
("Ship_firstName") & "', "
query = query & "Ship_midName = '" & Session
("Ship_midName") & "', "
query = query & "Ship_lastName = '" & Session
("Ship_lastName") & "', "
query = query & "Ship_division = '" & Session
("Ship_division") & "', "
query = query & "Ship_entity = '" & Session
("Ship_entity") & "', "
query = query & "Ship_address = '" & Session
("Ship_address") & "', "
query = query & "Ship_city = '" & Session
("Ship_city") & "', "
query = query & "Ship_state = '" & Session
("Ship_state") & "', "
query = query & "Ship_zip = '" & Session
("Ship_zip") & "', "
query = query & "Ship_country = '" & Session
("Ship_country") & "', "
query = query & "Via = '" & Session("Via") & "', "
query = query & "ViaOth = '" & Session("ViaOth")
& "', "
' Credit Card information
query = query & "CardName = '" & Session
("CardName") & "', "
query = query & "CardType = '" & Session
("CardType") & "', "
query = query & "CardNumber = '" & Session
("CardNumber") & "', "
query = query & "CardMonth = '" & Session
("CardMonth") & "', "
query = query & "CardYear = '" & Session
("CardYear") & "', "
' Comments
' The comments need to be filtered a little,
certain characters
' can cause problems with the SQL Query
Dim comments
comments = Session("Comments")
comments = Replace(comments, "'", "`")
comments = Replace(comments, Chr(34), "`")
query = query & "Comments = '" & comments & "'"
' Update all the records created by this session
query = query & " WHERE OrderID IN ("
Dim idList, idListArray, i, length, idListString
idList = Session("ORDER_ID_LIST")
idListArray = Split(idList, ",")
length = UBound(idListArray)
length = length - 1
For i = 0 To length
idListString = idListString & idListArray
If i <> length Then
idListString = idListString & ", "
End If
' Finish the query
query = query & idListString & ")"
' Debug
'Response.Write query
' Execute the query
dbconn.Execute query
' Create and send a notification message
' Read the template into a body variable
Dim sBody, fso, templateFile, templateFileName
templateFileName = Server.MapPath
Set fso = Server.CreateObject
Set templateFile = fs
(templateFileName, 1)
sBody = templateFile.ReadAll
' Clean up the FileSystemObject and TextStream
Set fso = Nothing
Set templateFile = Nothing
' Replace template items in the body with actual
' Contact information
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_FirstName",
Session("Contact_firstName") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_MidName", Session
("Contact_midName") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_LastName",
Session("Contact_lastName") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_Division",
Session("Contact_Division") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_Entity", Session
("Contact_Entity") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_Address", Session
("Contact_Address") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_City", Session
("Contact_City") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_State", Session
("Contact_State") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_Zip", Session
("Contact_Zip") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_Country", Session
("Contact_country") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_PhName", Session
("Contact_Phonename") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_Phone", Session
("Contact_Phone") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_Ext", Session
("Contact_Ext") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_PhNm2", Session
("Contact_Phonename2") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_Phn2", Session
("Contact_Phone2") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_Email", Session
("Contact_Email") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_Contact", Session
("Contact_Contact") )
' Shipping Information
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Ship_FirstName", Session
("Ship_firstName") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Ship_MidName", Session
("Ship_midName") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Ship_LastName", Session
("Ship_lastName") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Ship_Division", Session
("Ship_division") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Ship_Entity", Session
("Ship_entity") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Ship_Address", Session
("Ship_address") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Ship_City", Session
("Ship_city") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Ship_State", Session
("Ship_state") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Ship_Zip", Session
("Ship_zip") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Ship_Country", Session
("Ship_country") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Ship_Via", Session
("Via") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Ship_Other", Session
("ViaOth") )
' Comments
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Comments", Session
("Comments") )
' Credit Card Info
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Credit_Card_Name",
Session("CardName") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Credit_Card_Type",
Session("CardType") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Credit_Card_Number",
Session("CardNumber") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Credit_Card_Exp_Month ",
Session("CardMonth") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Credit_Card_Exp_Year",
Session("CardYear") )
' Construct a string that has the html to display
the order items
Dim itemBody, rsItems
query = "SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE OrderID IN ("
& idListString & ")"
Set rsItems = Server.CreateObject
rsItems.Open query, dbconn
Do While Not rsItems.EOF
itemBody = itemBody & "<tr><td>"
itemBody = itemBody & "<font size=1
face=Arial, Helvetica>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item1") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item2") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item3") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item4") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item5") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item6") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item7") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item8") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item9") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item10") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item11") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item12") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item13") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item14") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item15") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item16") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item17") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item18") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item19") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("ItemComments") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & "</font>"
itemBody = itemBody & "</td><td>"
itemBody = itemBody & "<font size=1
face=Arial, Helvetica>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("FirstName") & " " & rsItems.Fields("midName")
& " " & rsItems.Fields("LastName") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Title") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Title2") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Division") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Entity") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Address") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("City") & " " & rsItems.Fields("State") & " " &
rsItems.Fields("Zip") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Address2") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("City2") & " " & rsItems.Fields("State2") & " "
& rsItems.Fields("Zip2") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Country") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Phonename") & " " & rsItems.Fields("Phone")
& " " & rsItems.Fields("Ext") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Phonename2") & " " & rsItems.Fields("Phone2")
& "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Phonename3") & " " & rsItems.Fields("Phone3")
& "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Phonename4") & " " & rsItems.Fields("Phone4")
& "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
itemBody = itemBody & "</font>"
itemBody = itemBody & "</td></tr>"
Set rsItems = Nothing
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Ordered_Items", itemBody)
' Create the email object
Dim msg
Set msg = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
msg.HTMLBody = sBody
msg.To = "<[email protected]>"
msg.CC = "<" & Session("Contact_Email") & ">"
msg.Subject = "Dana Stationery Store Order from "
& Session("Contact_firstName") & " " & Session
msg.From = "<[email protected]>"
' Clean up
Set dbconn = nothing
' Clear out the session state
<head><title>Order complete</title></head>
<table border="0" cellpadding="2" width="500"
bgcolor="#FFFFFF" height="174">
<td align="center" nowrap height="12"><font
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"
<td align="center" nowrap
height="12"><b><font face="Lucida Handwriting, Verdana,
Arial, Helvetica" color="#0EA2DB" size="5">Thank
<td align="center" nowrap height="18">
<p align="center"><font
color="#FFFFFF"><font face="Arial, Helvetica"
color="#FF0000" size="2"><b>Your
order has been
<td align="center" nowrap
height="18"><b><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">An
email of your order has been send to
<td align="center" nowrap
height="18"><b><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">You
will receive your Acrobat ".pdf"
<td align="center" nowrap
height="18"><b><font face="Verdana, Arial,
1-2 days on personalized
<p> </p>
server people installed a bunch of security patches it
broke my asp code (so they tell me). I want to switch
these forms over to the Front Page Form handler. It SEEMS
that Front Page will not let me use asp/shtm pages. (I
have server side includes and need to use those types of
The page is www.hecksprinting.com/dana/login_request2.asp
If anyone is savy with asp code, maybe you can tell me
why my original pages stopped working after these patches
were installed. It will still burn the info to the
database, but will not send out the email.
<!-- #include file="adovb.inc" -->
<!-- #include file="OrdersConnection.asp" -->
'For I = 0 To Session.Contents.Count
'Response.Write Session.Contents.Key(I)
& " = " & Session.Contents.Item(I) & "<br>"
' Open the database connection
' Build the query to "burn" all the shipping,
' and credit card database into each order record
Dim query
' Base query
query = "UPDATE Orders SET "
' Contact information
query = query & "UserName ='" & Session
("UserName") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_firstName ='" & Session
("Contact_firstName") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_MidName ='" & Session
("Contact_MidName") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_lastName ='" & Session
("Contact_lastName") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_division ='" & Session
("Contact_Division") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_entity ='" & Session
("Contact_Entity") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_address ='" & Session
("Contact_Address") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_city ='" & Session
("Contact_City") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_state ='" & Session
("Contact_State") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_zip ='" & Session
("Contact_Zip") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_country ='" & Session
("Contact_Country") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_phonename ='" & Session
("Contact_Phonename") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_phone ='" & Session
("Contact_Phone") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_ext ='" & Session
("Contact_Ext") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_phonename2 ='" & Session
("Contact_Phonename2") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_phone2 ='" & Session
("Contact_Phone2") & "', "
query = query & "Contact_email ='" & Session
("Contact_Email") & "', "
' Shipping information
query = query & "Ship_firstName = '" & Session
("Ship_firstName") & "', "
query = query & "Ship_midName = '" & Session
("Ship_midName") & "', "
query = query & "Ship_lastName = '" & Session
("Ship_lastName") & "', "
query = query & "Ship_division = '" & Session
("Ship_division") & "', "
query = query & "Ship_entity = '" & Session
("Ship_entity") & "', "
query = query & "Ship_address = '" & Session
("Ship_address") & "', "
query = query & "Ship_city = '" & Session
("Ship_city") & "', "
query = query & "Ship_state = '" & Session
("Ship_state") & "', "
query = query & "Ship_zip = '" & Session
("Ship_zip") & "', "
query = query & "Ship_country = '" & Session
("Ship_country") & "', "
query = query & "Via = '" & Session("Via") & "', "
query = query & "ViaOth = '" & Session("ViaOth")
& "', "
' Credit Card information
query = query & "CardName = '" & Session
("CardName") & "', "
query = query & "CardType = '" & Session
("CardType") & "', "
query = query & "CardNumber = '" & Session
("CardNumber") & "', "
query = query & "CardMonth = '" & Session
("CardMonth") & "', "
query = query & "CardYear = '" & Session
("CardYear") & "', "
' Comments
' The comments need to be filtered a little,
certain characters
' can cause problems with the SQL Query
Dim comments
comments = Session("Comments")
comments = Replace(comments, "'", "`")
comments = Replace(comments, Chr(34), "`")
query = query & "Comments = '" & comments & "'"
' Update all the records created by this session
query = query & " WHERE OrderID IN ("
Dim idList, idListArray, i, length, idListString
idList = Session("ORDER_ID_LIST")
idListArray = Split(idList, ",")
length = UBound(idListArray)
length = length - 1
For i = 0 To length
idListString = idListString & idListArray
If i <> length Then
idListString = idListString & ", "
End If
' Finish the query
query = query & idListString & ")"
' Debug
'Response.Write query
' Execute the query
dbconn.Execute query
' Create and send a notification message
' Read the template into a body variable
Dim sBody, fso, templateFile, templateFileName
templateFileName = Server.MapPath
Set fso = Server.CreateObject
Set templateFile = fs
(templateFileName, 1)
sBody = templateFile.ReadAll
' Clean up the FileSystemObject and TextStream
Set fso = Nothing
Set templateFile = Nothing
' Replace template items in the body with actual
' Contact information
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_FirstName",
Session("Contact_firstName") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_MidName", Session
("Contact_midName") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_LastName",
Session("Contact_lastName") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_Division",
Session("Contact_Division") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_Entity", Session
("Contact_Entity") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_Address", Session
("Contact_Address") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_City", Session
("Contact_City") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_State", Session
("Contact_State") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_Zip", Session
("Contact_Zip") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_Country", Session
("Contact_country") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_PhName", Session
("Contact_Phonename") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_Phone", Session
("Contact_Phone") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_Ext", Session
("Contact_Ext") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_PhNm2", Session
("Contact_Phonename2") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_Phn2", Session
("Contact_Phone2") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_Email", Session
("Contact_Email") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Contact_Contact", Session
("Contact_Contact") )
' Shipping Information
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Ship_FirstName", Session
("Ship_firstName") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Ship_MidName", Session
("Ship_midName") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Ship_LastName", Session
("Ship_lastName") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Ship_Division", Session
("Ship_division") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Ship_Entity", Session
("Ship_entity") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Ship_Address", Session
("Ship_address") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Ship_City", Session
("Ship_city") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Ship_State", Session
("Ship_state") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Ship_Zip", Session
("Ship_zip") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Ship_Country", Session
("Ship_country") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Ship_Via", Session
("Via") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Ship_Other", Session
("ViaOth") )
' Comments
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Comments", Session
("Comments") )
' Credit Card Info
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Credit_Card_Name",
Session("CardName") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Credit_Card_Type",
Session("CardType") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Credit_Card_Number",
Session("CardNumber") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Credit_Card_Exp_Month ",
Session("CardMonth") )
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Credit_Card_Exp_Year",
Session("CardYear") )
' Construct a string that has the html to display
the order items
Dim itemBody, rsItems
query = "SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE OrderID IN ("
& idListString & ")"
Set rsItems = Server.CreateObject
rsItems.Open query, dbconn
Do While Not rsItems.EOF
itemBody = itemBody & "<tr><td>"
itemBody = itemBody & "<font size=1
face=Arial, Helvetica>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item1") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item2") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item3") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item4") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item5") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item6") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item7") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item8") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item9") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item10") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item11") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item12") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item13") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item14") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item15") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item16") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item17") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item18") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Item19") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("ItemComments") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & "</font>"
itemBody = itemBody & "</td><td>"
itemBody = itemBody & "<font size=1
face=Arial, Helvetica>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("FirstName") & " " & rsItems.Fields("midName")
& " " & rsItems.Fields("LastName") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Title") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Title2") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Division") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Entity") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Address") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("City") & " " & rsItems.Fields("State") & " " &
rsItems.Fields("Zip") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Address2") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("City2") & " " & rsItems.Fields("State2") & " "
& rsItems.Fields("Zip2") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Country") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Phonename") & " " & rsItems.Fields("Phone")
& " " & rsItems.Fields("Ext") & "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Phonename2") & " " & rsItems.Fields("Phone2")
& "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Phonename3") & " " & rsItems.Fields("Phone3")
& "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
("Phonename4") & " " & rsItems.Fields("Phone4")
& "<br>"
itemBody = itemBody & rsItems.Fields
itemBody = itemBody & "</font>"
itemBody = itemBody & "</td></tr>"
Set rsItems = Nothing
sBody = Replace(sBody, "%Ordered_Items", itemBody)
' Create the email object
Dim msg
Set msg = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
msg.HTMLBody = sBody
msg.To = "<[email protected]>"
msg.CC = "<" & Session("Contact_Email") & ">"
msg.Subject = "Dana Stationery Store Order from "
& Session("Contact_firstName") & " " & Session
msg.From = "<[email protected]>"
' Clean up
Set dbconn = nothing
' Clear out the session state
<head><title>Order complete</title></head>
<table border="0" cellpadding="2" width="500"
bgcolor="#FFFFFF" height="174">
<td align="center" nowrap height="12"><font
face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"
<td align="center" nowrap
height="12"><b><font face="Lucida Handwriting, Verdana,
Arial, Helvetica" color="#0EA2DB" size="5">Thank
<td align="center" nowrap height="18">
<p align="center"><font
color="#FFFFFF"><font face="Arial, Helvetica"
color="#FF0000" size="2"><b>Your
order has been
<td align="center" nowrap
height="18"><b><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">An
email of your order has been send to
<td align="center" nowrap
height="18"><b><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">You
will receive your Acrobat ".pdf"
<td align="center" nowrap
height="18"><b><font face="Verdana, Arial,
1-2 days on personalized
<p> </p>