ASP DRW Connection to Access DB keeps becoming corrupt.



I have several Access DB based Web sites all running on the same Web Server.
My client is FP 2003, I am running FP Server Extensions 2002, and the Web
Server is Windows 2000 Server running the default IIS version which comes
with this particular version of the OS. I have had these database backed Web
sites for some time now and the problem that I keep encountering is that the
database connection will fail a couple of times a week. This only happens on
a couple of my sites, not all. When I open the ASP which simply retrieves
data from an Access DB I get the typical yellow error message which states
that I must see the administrator. The way that I have been correcting this
problem is by going back through FP, Site Settings, Database Connection and
basically retouching the database connection. I then go to a test page and
use the DRW to create a simple database retrieval page. I save the page and
open it. Then all is well until the next time. I thought that possibly
Norton AV was corrupting the .inc files but I have excluded these folders
from being scanned. Also, if NAV was causing this problem why doesn't it
corrupt all of my sites. Can anyone please shed some light on this?

Paul M

Kathleen Anderson [MVP - FrontPage]

Try the following and see if you get any additional information about the

The FP2003 code has changed slightly. To see the true error, open the hidden
folder /_fpclass/ and edit the file

At about line 19, change :

fp_DEBUG = False

to :

fp_DEBUG = True


~ Kathleen Anderson
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
Spider Web Woman Designs

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