ASP "Membership" or Login Scripts - Anybody with experience in implmenting?


Eric G

Maybe this question is a little bit off topic, but I haven't found any other user group with so much collected knowledge and so many friendly and helpful souls, anywhere else, so please bear with me and don't get cross we me for posting this question, even if it not a problem that requires a solution as such.

Does anyone here have any experience with ASP scripting concerning "membership", or selective login in products and/or implementing these features in an FP site?

My requirements are neither that many, nor complicated. I have 4 different categories of users that I would like to register at my site, get a confirmation email to verify the validity of the registration, respond to this confirmation through a link in the confirmation email, and login to get access to information that should only be available to the specific user category.

Over and above this, I just require normal administration, like newsletter mailings to either all user categories or selective categories, lock user in/out, see who's logged in, have some kind of logging, etc, and common user function features, like users being able to retrieve lost passwords themselves, opt in/out of mailings, de-register, etc. I also want to be able to fully customize all login pages to create a uniform site impression.

I've looked at, but not tested any of the following ASP membership products:

Login Database By Smo,
D2 Sitelock Pro,
Expinion Member Management System v3.0,
js ASP Login Script for IIS / Classic ASP,
MembersPro Version4,
NetLogin User Management,
ScriptMate User Manager 2.1,
Spooky Login,

There are probably many more out there that I am not even aware of, these are just the ones I have found in a couple of days searching the net.

However, I don't really want to buy 2, 3 or 4 of them to get a chance to see which one I like and that works best, why it would be interesting to see if any of you have implemented some similar function (which I'm sure you have) and hear your opinions and possible recommendations of some products.

I would really appreciate some advice on this matter.

Best regards,

Eric G

Chris Leeds, MVP-FrontPage

From the looks of it, you'll not only need one of those log-in scripts but also a lot of other custom programming.

my suggestion would be, only because it's been the best way for me to learn new stuff, would be to look for a "portal" that's pretty close to what you want and "customize" it.

I used to play with a portal at but the site closed down. I heard someone bought it so put the link.

maybe search for portals. maybe even look at the possibility of getting into an app.


Chris Leeds,
Microsoft MVP-FrontPage

Please feel free to contact me here:
Maybe this question is a little bit off topic, but I haven't found any other user group with so much collected knowledge and so many friendly and helpful souls, anywhere else, so please bear with me and don't get cross we me for posting this question, even if it not a problem that requires a solution as such.

Does anyone here have any experience with ASP scripting concerning "membership", or selective login in products and/or implementing these features in an FP site?

My requirements are neither that many, nor complicated. I have 4 different categories of users that I would like to register at my site, get a confirmation email to verify the validity of the registration, respond to this confirmation through a link in the confirmation email, and login to get access to information that should only be available to the specific user category.

Over and above this, I just require normal administration, like newsletter mailings to either all user categories or selective categories, lock user in/out, see who's logged in, have some kind of logging, etc, and common user function features, like users being able to retrieve lost passwords themselves, opt in/out of mailings, de-register, etc. I also want to be able to fully customize all login pages to create a uniform site impression.

I've looked at, but not tested any of the following ASP membership products:

Login Database By Smo,
D2 Sitelock Pro,
Expinion Member Management System v3.0,
js ASP Login Script for IIS / Classic ASP,
MembersPro Version4,
NetLogin User Management,
ScriptMate User Manager 2.1,
Spooky Login,

There are probably many more out there that I am not even aware of, these are just the ones I have found in a couple of days searching the net.

However, I don't really want to buy 2, 3 or 4 of them to get a chance to see which one I like and that works best, why it would be interesting to see if any of you have implemented some similar function (which I'm sure you have) and hear your opinions and possible recommendations of some products.

I would really appreciate some advice on this matter.

Best regards,

Eric G


Hello Eric,

I think evaluating 'portal' solutions can be just as convoluted and
as much a waste of time as evaluating the many choices of scripts
that claim to provide a solution. Still, you must do some due diligence.

Use bcc to send a well written description of your requirements
to the sellers of the products you have identified. Use bulleted items
and stick with 2-3 criteria. Brevity and clarity are the goals here.

I'll explain now what you will discover but you will still need to proceed
with sending an inquiry anyway. What you are going to find is each
vendor will provide some of the criteria. That will also be what you will
find when evaluating portal solutions. You may find one who sells their
scripts as open-source while others compile or obfuscate the source.
This latter issue should be one of the questions posed to any vendor as
you will most likely be purchasing one or the other and modifying it
to meet your specific requirements.

I've used ASP to create or modify membership systems for e-commerce
merchants if you should need further assistance...

<%= Clinton Gallagher, "Twice the Results -- Half the Cost"
Architectural & e-Business Consulting -- Software Development
NET (e-mail address removed)

Maybe this question is a little bit off topic, but I haven't found any other user group with so much collected knowledge and so many friendly and helpful souls, anywhere else, so please bear with me and don't get cross we me for posting this question, even if it not a problem that requires a solution as such.

Does anyone here have any experience with ASP scripting concerning "membership", or selective login in products and/or implementing these features in an FP site?

My requirements are neither that many, nor complicated. I have 4 different categories of users that I would like to register at my site, get a confirmation email to verify the validity of the registration, respond to this confirmation through a link in the confirmation email, and login to get access to information that should only be available to the specific user category.

Over and above this, I just require normal administration, like newsletter mailings to either all user categories or selective categories, lock user in/out, see who's logged in, have some kind of logging, etc, and common user function features, like users being able to retrieve lost passwords themselves, opt in/out of mailings, de-register, etc. I also want to be able to fully customize all login pages to create a uniform site impression.

I've looked at, but not tested any of the following ASP membership products:

Login Database By Smo,
D2 Sitelock Pro,
Expinion Member Management System v3.0,
js ASP Login Script for IIS / Classic ASP,
MembersPro Version4,
NetLogin User Management,
ScriptMate User Manager 2.1,
Spooky Login,

There are probably many more out there that I am not even aware of, these are just the ones I have found in a couple of days searching the net.

However, I don't really want to buy 2, 3 or 4 of them to get a chance to see which one I like and that works best, why it would be interesting to see if any of you have implemented some similar function (which I'm sure you have) and hear your opinions and possible recommendations of some products.

I would really appreciate some advice on this matter.

Best regards,

Eric G

Jim Buyens

My advice is to think carefully about what you want this
membership system to do once the Web visitor self-
registers and logs in.

If all you want is to is block or allow access to
certain "flat" pages, then almost any system will do. But
if you want to use the visitor identity for othre
purposes, such as selling downloadable files or entering
other kinds of orders, then you have to worry about
integrating the logon system into those other applications.

If you have Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003, you can find
sample code for both ASP and ASP.NET logon systems on the
companion CD.

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)

-----Original Message-----
Maybe this question is a little bit off topic, but I
haven't found any other user group with so much collected
knowledge and so many friendly and helpful souls, anywhere
else, so please bear with me and don't get cross we me for
posting this question, even if it not a problem that
requires a solution as such.
Does anyone here have any experience with ASP scripting
concerning "membership", or selective login in products
and/or implementing these features in an FP site?
My requirements are neither that many, nor complicated. I
have 4 different categories of users that I would like to
register at my site, get a confirmation email to verify
the validity of the registration, respond to this
confirmation through a link in the confirmation email, and
login to get access to information that should only be
available to the specific user category.
Over and above this, I just require normal
administration, like newsletter mailings to either all
user categories or selective categories, lock user in/out,
see who's logged in, have some kind of logging, etc, and
common user function features, like users being able to
retrieve lost passwords themselves, opt in/out of
mailings, de-register, etc. I also want to be able to
fully customize all login pages to create a uniform site
I've looked at, but not tested any of the following ASP membership products:

Login Database By Smo,
D2 Sitelock Pro,
Expinion Member Management System v3.0,
js ASP Login Script for IIS / Classic ASP,
MembersPro Version4,

NetLogin User Management,
ScriptMate User Manager 2.1,
Spooky Login,

There are probably many more out there that I am not even
aware of, these are just the ones I have found in a couple
of days searching the net.
However, I don't really want to buy 2, 3 or 4 of them to
get a chance to see which one I like and that works best,
why it would be interesting to see if any of you have
implemented some similar function (which I'm sure you
have) and hear your opinions and possible recommendations
of some products.

Eric G

Hello Chris, Rob, dintonG and Jim,

Many thanks for your input, it is much appreciated and your thoughts has given me quite a lot to think about .

I've had a look at the portal concept, and maybe I'm missing something, but what I think I've seen is a concept whereby you buy into a canned product, where you have the possibility to change the content, colors and what services and other minor changes, while the basic concept and design is set by the portal provider.

This way, and as it appears to me, you are rather limited in your options when it comes to design and individual functionality, and you have to leave your own site identity and concepts behind and assumes somebody else's. But, as I said, maybe I've misunderstood the concept as such - maybe it's possible to buy a portal concept and implement it on to your own FP site. Am I right, or ...?

I have one additional question regarding the possibility of having different user categories logging in to a restricted user area:

Would it at all be feasible, in FP 2003, to have one sub-site for each user category and then only have one user category to login to this specific sub-site? Why I'm asking is that there are quite a few canned and ready to use ASP login scripts for up to three user categories, but over and above these 3 levels it becomes a problem. And 1 level appears to be a piece of cake, if I may be so blunt. I understand that I them must implement 4 different databases and 4 different ASP scripts, one for each sub-site, but would that be a problem?

Best regards,

Eric G
Stockholm, Sweden

PS. Jim, I'm just now reading the info in Appendix J on the Inside Out companion CD, as I presume that was what you had in mind when you mentioned "the companion CD" in your reply, as I don't have one for FP 2003.

Maybe this question is a little bit off topic, but I haven't found any other user group with so much collected knowledge and so many friendly and helpful souls, anywhere else, so please bear with me and don't get cross we me for posting this question, even if it not a problem that requires a solution as such.

Does anyone here have any experience with ASP scripting concerning "membership", or selective login in products and/or implementing these features in an FP site?

My requirements are neither that many, nor complicated. I have 4 different categories of users that I would like to register at my site, get a confirmation email to verify the validity of the registration, respond to this confirmation through a link in the confirmation email, and login to get access to information that should only be available to the specific user category.

Over and above this, I just require normal administration, like newsletter mailings to either all user categories or selective categories, lock user in/out, see who's logged in, have some kind of logging, etc, and common user function features, like users being able to retrieve lost passwords themselves, opt in/out of mailings, de-register, etc. I also want to be able to fully customize all login pages to create a uniform site impression.

I've looked at, but not tested any of the following ASP membership products:

Login Database By Smo,
D2 Sitelock Pro,
Expinion Member Management System v3.0,
js ASP Login Script for IIS / Classic ASP,
MembersPro Version4,
NetLogin User Management,
ScriptMate User Manager 2.1,
Spooky Login,

There are probably many more out there that I am not even aware of, these are just the ones I have found in a couple of days searching the net.

However, I don't really want to buy 2, 3 or 4 of them to get a chance to see which one I like and that works best, why it would be interesting to see if any of you have implemented some similar function (which I'm sure you have) and hear your opinions and possible recommendations of some products.

I would really appreciate some advice on this matter.

Best regards,

Eric G

Chris Leeds, MVP-FrontPage


Chris Leeds,
Microsoft MVP-FrontPage

Please feel free to contact me here:
Hello Chris, Rob, dintonG and Jim,

Many thanks for your input, it is much appreciated and your thoughts has given me quite a lot to think about .

I've had a look at the portal concept, and maybe I'm missing something, but what I think I've seen is a concept whereby you buy into a canned product, where you have the possibility to change the content, colors and what services and other minor changes, while the basic concept and design is set by the portal provider.

Depending on how much you feel like "customizing it"

This way, and as it appears to me, you are rather limited in your options when it comes to design and individual functionality, and you have to leave your own site identity and concepts behind and assumes somebody else's. But, as I said, maybe I've misunderstood the concept as such - maybe it's possible to buy a portal concept and implement it on to your own FP site. Am I right, or ...?

You can alter it as much as you like (depending on certain licensing schemes) Some of the nicest i've seen are free. there's the IBuySpy portal a .net portal and a bunch of derivitives such as rainbowportal and dotnetnuke.

I have one additional question regarding the possibility of having different user categories logging in to a restricted user area:

Would it at all be feasible, in FP 2003, to have one sub-site for each user category and then only have one user category to login to this specific sub-site? Why I'm asking is that there are quite a few canned and ready to use ASP login scripts for up to three user categories, but over and above these 3 levels it becomes a problem. And 1 level appears to be a piece of cake, if I may be so blunt. I understand that I them must implement 4 different databases and 4 different ASP scripts, one for each sub-site, but would that be a problem?

It would seem to be the easiest way to "skin your cat", i can't believe i didn't think of that! I must have gotten "portal" stuck in my head!

Best regards,

Eric G
Stockholm, Sweden

PS. Jim, I'm just now reading the info in Appendix J on the Inside Out companion CD, as I presume that was what you had in mind when you mentioned "the companion CD" in your reply, as I don't have one for FP 2003.

That's a hell of a disk. I'd have paid $50 just for that! ;-)

Maybe this question is a little bit off topic, but I haven't found any other user group with so much collected knowledge and so many friendly and helpful souls, anywhere else, so please bear with me and don't get cross we me for posting this question, even if it not a problem that requires a solution as such.

Does anyone here have any experience with ASP scripting concerning "membership", or selective login in products and/or implementing these features in an FP site?

My requirements are neither that many, nor complicated. I have 4 different categories of users that I would like to register at my site, get a confirmation email to verify the validity of the registration, respond to this confirmation through a link in the confirmation email, and login to get access to information that should only be available to the specific user category.

Over and above this, I just require normal administration, like newsletter mailings to either all user categories or selective categories, lock user in/out, see who's logged in, have some kind of logging, etc, and common user function features, like users being able to retrieve lost passwords themselves, opt in/out of mailings, de-register, etc. I also want to be able to fully customize all login pages to create a uniform site impression.

I've looked at, but not tested any of the following ASP membership products:

Login Database By Smo,
D2 Sitelock Pro,
Expinion Member Management System v3.0,
js ASP Login Script for IIS / Classic ASP,
MembersPro Version4,
NetLogin User Management,
ScriptMate User Manager 2.1,
Spooky Login,

There are probably many more out there that I am not even aware of, these are just the ones I have found in a couple of days searching the net.

However, I don't really want to buy 2, 3 or 4 of them to get a chance to see which one I like and that works best, why it would be interesting to see if any of you have implemented some similar function (which I'm sure you have) and hear your opinions and possible recommendations of some products.

I would really appreciate some advice on this matter.

Best regards,

Eric G

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