page and owc10 pivottable



hi all
i've an page that load an office xp web component
(owc) pivottable object used to access to a olap cube .
the application works properly only if i've owc installed
on the client . I do not want to deploy (owc) in every
clients that use my page , i'd like to use the
licensed xp copy installed on my server to let the client
load the owc component from server .
how can i do this?
thanks to all

Alvin Bruney

You would need to create a license package file on your server. This file
acts as a temporary license store opening up interactivity to the owc to
your users on an intranet. Please re-read the licensing requirements before
creating this file as the restrictions and consequences are pretty steep.
Here's a link to what you want:

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