ASP to Excel


A Fu


I create html table in an ASP page, set Response.ContentType =
"application/". In one cell in the html table, there's an image
tag: <td colspan="3"><img border="0" src="img/CRG_logo.gif"></td>. When excel
opens, the cell will show the little image not found icon instead of the
image itself.

I have no idea why that happens, is there a solution for this? I'd
appreciate any help, thanks.

A Fu


Maybe a wild guess. ;<)

src="img/CRG_logo.gif" isn't the correct path?



johnf202 at hotmail dot com

: Hello,
: I create html table in an ASP page, set Response.ContentType =
: "application/". In one cell in the html table, there's an
: tag: <td colspan="3"><img border="0" src="img/CRG_logo.gif"></td>. When
: opens, the cell will show the little image not found icon instead of the
: image itself.
: I have no idea why that happens, is there a solution for this? I'd
: appreciate any help, thanks.
: A Fu

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