Mike Mueller
Please show me the errors in my ways. I am trying to take
dates from a form (Exp1,2,3) and update date/time fields in
an MDB. (I started a new thread as I am using a different
process now).
Here is the SQL string:
:# WHERE ID='::ID::'
I get the following errors
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in
date in query expression '#::dtExp1::#'.
/amb_inv/update.asp, line 32
Here is the code
'Setup & read in the information from the form
Dim dtExp1, dtExp2, dtExp3
dtExp1 = request.form("Expire1")
dtExp2 = request.form("Expire2")
dtExp3 = request.form("Expire3")
'Check for null dates
if len(dtExp1) <8 then
dtExp1 = "12/31/09"
End If
if len(dtExp2) <8 then
dtExp2 = "12/31/09"
End If
If len(dtExp3) <8 then
dtExp3 = "12/31/09"
End If
'Setup and create the SQL statements
Dim strSQL1
Dim objConn
strSQL1 = "UPDATE AdvSkillsBag SET
:# WHERE ID='::ID::'"
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open application("AmboInv_ConnectionString")
response.write strSQL1
objConn.Execute (strSQL1)
dates from a form (Exp1,2,3) and update date/time fields in
an MDB. (I started a new thread as I am using a different
process now).
Here is the SQL string:
:# WHERE ID='::ID::'
I get the following errors
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in
date in query expression '#::dtExp1::#'.
/amb_inv/update.asp, line 32
Here is the code
'Setup & read in the information from the form
Dim dtExp1, dtExp2, dtExp3
dtExp1 = request.form("Expire1")
dtExp2 = request.form("Expire2")
dtExp3 = request.form("Expire3")
'Check for null dates
if len(dtExp1) <8 then
dtExp1 = "12/31/09"
End If
if len(dtExp2) <8 then
dtExp2 = "12/31/09"
End If
If len(dtExp3) <8 then
dtExp3 = "12/31/09"
End If
'Setup and create the SQL statements
Dim strSQL1
Dim objConn
strSQL1 = "UPDATE AdvSkillsBag SET
:# WHERE ID='::ID::'"
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open application("AmboInv_ConnectionString")
response.write strSQL1
objConn.Execute (strSQL1)