After painstakingly creating my first FP dynamic website (database and form
interfaces) I am ready to learn some more advanced website design programming
There seem to be a dozen technologies out there. Could you enlighten me as
to which are the best web design/programming technologies out there. Maybe a
brief definition of what is what would help us all better understand their
capabilities and how they complement/enhance FP.
asp - asp.net - java - javascript - DHTML - php - SQL - others ??????
Thanks a lot.
interfaces) I am ready to learn some more advanced website design programming
There seem to be a dozen technologies out there. Could you enlighten me as
to which are the best web design/programming technologies out there. Maybe a
brief definition of what is what would help us all better understand their
capabilities and how they complement/enhance FP.
asp - asp.net - java - javascript - DHTML - php - SQL - others ??????
Thanks a lot.