Asset inventory



Is there a way to create an asset inventory, by room in Visio? Specifally I
would like to be able to click on a room and know what equipment I have
assigned to the room/occupant.


check out the Space Plan, following from the Help File;

In a space plan (space plan: A drawing that use Space shapes and resource
shapes to track the approximate location of resources in a building.),
resources are separated into six categories. Each category (category: A
classification of information tracked in a facilities plan. Categories
include assets such as person, computer, printer, asset, and space, as well
as organizational groupings such as company or department.) has a set of
predefined properties. You can easily modify the properties of a category,
either manually or when you import data. For example, the Person category
includes a predefined property for Name, but you can also add properties for
Last Name and First Name.

Each category is represented by a shape on the Resources stencil. If you
want to use a shape that is not associated with a category, you can assign a
category to it. For example, you might want to use a custom shape to
represent all of your computers and then associate this shape with either
the Computer or the Asset category. Assigning a shape to a category
automatically gives it the properties of that category.

The location categories are Space and Boundary. Spaces are containers for
resources (such as people and assets). A space usually represents an office
or work space. Boundaries are containers for spaces. A boundary most often
represents a department.

The Person category tracks information about all the people in your
organization. You can associate a person with a space, which allows you to
track and report on the location of the person.

The asset categories are Computer, Printer, and Asset. You can use the
generic Asset category to track assets of any kind.

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