liz malcolm
I have an non-profit assistance db. Tables Applicant, Applicant
History, Child and Child History. Form Applicant, sub Forms Applicant
History and Child (child has another subform Child History). I have
existing code that from the Applicant form command button a case
number is assigned to Applicant History and Child History. In the past
in the Child History form a 1 digit alpha code was entered manually
for each record. I need to automate the alpha code, for first child
record A, second child record B, etc. I've run into a brain freeze and
need advice.
Sample data: First applicant has 2 children this is the first year
they come for assistance. Second applicant has 3 children and they
have come 3 years for assistance.
It assigns an A to both of the First applicants childrens history, but
nothing is assigned for Second applicants childrens history. Here is
my code, any help is greatly appreciated.
Private Sub cmdAssgnCaseNbr_Click()
'assign case number - use next avail from tbl_ToyShop_CaseNbrs
'update eligible child records with the same case number
'assign child codes
'print the appointment and signature forms
Dim db As Database
Dim qd1 As QueryDef
Dim qd2 As QueryDef
Dim fSubApp As Form
Dim fSubChild As Form
dim strChildCode as String
Dim intChildCode As Integer
Set db = CurrentDb
Set qd1 = db.QueryDefs("qry_ToyShop_CaseNbrs_Update")
Set qd2 = db.QueryDefs("qry_ToyShop_CaseNbrs_Update_Child")
Set fSubApp = Me.Applicant_Household_Info.Form
Set fSubChild = Me.[Child Info].Form![Child History].Form
'Message box check Data Entry if all okay continue
If Me.[Applicant_Household_Info].Form![int_appYr] <> Forms!
frm_deMenu.txtDefaultAppYr Then
MsgBox "You are not on the correct year record! Please
review", vbOKOnly, "Data Entry Validation"
Exit Sub
If IsNull(Me.Child_Info.Form![Child History].Form.
[ID_childHistory]) Then
MsgBox "There is no child data for this year. Please
review", vbOKOnly, "Data Entry Validation"
Exit Sub
'Assign the case nbr and save the applicant record
fSubApp![int_caseNbr].Value = DMin("int_caseNbr",
"tbl_ToyShop_CaseNbrs", "IsNull([tbl_ToyShop_CaseNbrs].[dte_assgnd])")
fSubApp![dte_giftsAppt].Value = DLookup("dte_appt",
"tbl_ToyShop_CaseNbrs", "int_CaseNbr=" & fSubApp!int_caseNbr)
fSubApp![dte_giftsTime].Value = DLookup("dte_Time",
"tbl_ToyShop_CaseNbrs", "int_CaseNbr=" & fSubApp!int_caseNbr)
Me.ynShareInfo.Value = True
'Run the update query to take the case number out of the
Household Info].[form]![int_caseNbr]") = fSubApp![int_caseNbr]
qd1.Parameters("forms!frm_applicant![Applicant Household
Info].form!id_contact") = fSubApp![ID_contact]
DoCmd.SetWarnings False ' turn off user prompts
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qry_ToyShop_CaseNbrs_Update"
'Print the Signature and Appointment Form
'DoCmd.OpenReport "rpt_ToyShop_ApptSigForms"
End Select
'Run the update query to assign the case number to
the child's record
= Me.ID_app
[txtDefaultAppYr]") = fSubChild![int_appYr]
[txtDefaultAppYr]") = fSubApp![int_appYr]
'Works up to this point
Do While [Forms]![frm_deMenu].[txtDefaultAppYr] = DMax
("[int_appYr]", "tbl_child_History", "[int_appYr]=" & fSubChild!
intChildCode = 64 'starting with CHR 64 so that first
alpha code is upper case A
intChildCode = intChildCode + 1
strChildCode = Chr$(intChildCode)
fSubChild.txt_childCode = strChildCode
Exit Do
DoCmd.SetWarnings True ' turn off user prompts
End If
End If
End Sub
History, Child and Child History. Form Applicant, sub Forms Applicant
History and Child (child has another subform Child History). I have
existing code that from the Applicant form command button a case
number is assigned to Applicant History and Child History. In the past
in the Child History form a 1 digit alpha code was entered manually
for each record. I need to automate the alpha code, for first child
record A, second child record B, etc. I've run into a brain freeze and
need advice.
Sample data: First applicant has 2 children this is the first year
they come for assistance. Second applicant has 3 children and they
have come 3 years for assistance.
It assigns an A to both of the First applicants childrens history, but
nothing is assigned for Second applicants childrens history. Here is
my code, any help is greatly appreciated.
Private Sub cmdAssgnCaseNbr_Click()
'assign case number - use next avail from tbl_ToyShop_CaseNbrs
'update eligible child records with the same case number
'assign child codes
'print the appointment and signature forms
Dim db As Database
Dim qd1 As QueryDef
Dim qd2 As QueryDef
Dim fSubApp As Form
Dim fSubChild As Form
dim strChildCode as String
Dim intChildCode As Integer
Set db = CurrentDb
Set qd1 = db.QueryDefs("qry_ToyShop_CaseNbrs_Update")
Set qd2 = db.QueryDefs("qry_ToyShop_CaseNbrs_Update_Child")
Set fSubApp = Me.Applicant_Household_Info.Form
Set fSubChild = Me.[Child Info].Form![Child History].Form
'Message box check Data Entry if all okay continue
If Me.[Applicant_Household_Info].Form![int_appYr] <> Forms!
frm_deMenu.txtDefaultAppYr Then
MsgBox "You are not on the correct year record! Please
review", vbOKOnly, "Data Entry Validation"
Exit Sub
If IsNull(Me.Child_Info.Form![Child History].Form.
[ID_childHistory]) Then
MsgBox "There is no child data for this year. Please
review", vbOKOnly, "Data Entry Validation"
Exit Sub
'Assign the case nbr and save the applicant record
fSubApp![int_caseNbr].Value = DMin("int_caseNbr",
"tbl_ToyShop_CaseNbrs", "IsNull([tbl_ToyShop_CaseNbrs].[dte_assgnd])")
fSubApp![dte_giftsAppt].Value = DLookup("dte_appt",
"tbl_ToyShop_CaseNbrs", "int_CaseNbr=" & fSubApp!int_caseNbr)
fSubApp![dte_giftsTime].Value = DLookup("dte_Time",
"tbl_ToyShop_CaseNbrs", "int_CaseNbr=" & fSubApp!int_caseNbr)
Me.ynShareInfo.Value = True
'Run the update query to take the case number out of the
Household Info].[form]![int_caseNbr]") = fSubApp![int_caseNbr]
qd1.Parameters("forms!frm_applicant![Applicant Household
Info].form!id_contact") = fSubApp![ID_contact]
DoCmd.SetWarnings False ' turn off user prompts
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qry_ToyShop_CaseNbrs_Update"
'Print the Signature and Appointment Form
'DoCmd.OpenReport "rpt_ToyShop_ApptSigForms"
End Select
'Run the update query to assign the case number to
the child's record
= Me.ID_app
[txtDefaultAppYr]") = fSubChild![int_appYr]
[txtDefaultAppYr]") = fSubApp![int_appYr]
'Works up to this point
Do While [Forms]![frm_deMenu].[txtDefaultAppYr] = DMax
("[int_appYr]", "tbl_child_History", "[int_appYr]=" & fSubChild!
intChildCode = 64 'starting with CHR 64 so that first
alpha code is upper case A
intChildCode = intChildCode + 1
strChildCode = Chr$(intChildCode)
fSubChild.txt_childCode = strChildCode
Exit Do
DoCmd.SetWarnings True ' turn off user prompts
End If
End If
End Sub