Assign click functionality to dynamically created textboxes?



Hi all,

I have a userform that has textboxes that are created and populate
dynamically at runtime.

i.e.: based on the number of cells found to be populated with data o
a spreadsheet, I create a userform with textboxes with value
cooresponding to those cells

I want to add the ability to double click on these textboxes and hav
the value changed to the current date being displayed by a calande
control that is also built into my userform.

But since don't know how many textboxes are going to be created on
given execution of the code, I can't just make the subs that woul
normally control click actions.

Say there were 2 textboxes being created, I'd then need:

Sub Textbox1_dblclick(ByVal Cancel as MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Textbox1 = calendar1
End sub
Sub Textbox2_dblclick(ByVal Cancel as MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Textbox2 = calendar1
End sub

But if I have 5 textboxes, I'd need 5 subs. If 10, then 10. etc.

Is there any way to include a variable as part of a sub's name?

Like say:

Sub Controls("Textbox" & N)_dblClick(ByVal Cancel A

with the value for N being passed by another procedure during th
intial building of the userform


One way of adding script to form at run time
You will have to modify the code for your application

Set fAuto_Form = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(3)"Width") = 800
With fAuto_Form.CodeModule
X = .CountOfLines
.InsertLines X + 1, "Sub CommandButton1_Click()"
.InsertLines X + 2, " GETOPTION_RET_VAL=False"
.InsertLines X + 3, " Unload Me"
.InsertLines X + 4, "End Sub"

.InsertLines X + 5, "Sub CommandButton2_Click()"
.InsertLines X + 6, " Dim ctl"
.InsertLines X + 7, " GETOPTION_RET_VAL = False"
.InsertLines X + 8, " For Each ctl In Me.Controls"
.InsertLines X + 9, " If ctl.Tag <> """" Then If ctl The
.InsertLines X + 10, " "
.InsertLines X + 11, " Next ctl"
.InsertLines X + 12, " MsgBox battery.value"
.InsertLines X + 13, " dvalue1 = battery.value"
.InsertLines X + 14, " stcomponent = component.caption"
.InsertLines X + 15, " Unload Me"
.InsertLines X + 16, "End Sub"
End Wit


Thanks for the reply.

I tried using that code modified, but it didn't seem to work for me.
My fault I'm sure...

Is there any way to wite If/then code to catch clicks on objects?

If Controls("Textbox" & N)_DblClick Then
Controls("Textbox" & N) = Calendar1
End if

It would make what I'm trying to do a lot easier..


Well, found another way around the problem through trial and error i
case anyone has a simalr problem and a search turns up this thread:


Function GetTextValue()

Dim Code as String

'insert code that controls the building of the userform. In my case, 2 command buttons and a dynamic number of textboxes

Code = ""
Dim tlRow As Long
Dim M As Long
Dim Part1 As String
Dim Part2 As String
Dim Part3 As String
With Worksheets("hidden1")
tlRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 26).End(xlUp).Row 'where i get the values for the textboxes

' Define 3 string variables and create code blocks that will coorespond to each dynamically created textbox

For M = 1 To tlRow

Part1 = "Sub Textbox" & M & "_dblclick(ByVal Cancel as MSForms.ReturnBoolean)"
Part2 = " Textbox" & M & " = calendar1"
Part3 = "End Sub"

Code = Code & Part1 & vbCrLf
Code = Code & Part2 & vbCrLf
Code = Code & Part3 & vbCrLf

Next M

End With

' Code for CommandButton1
Code = Code & "Sub CommandButton1_Click()" & vbCrLf
Code = Code & "Unload Me" & vbCrLf
Code = Code & "Call Canceled" & vbCrLf
Code = Code & "End Sub" & vbCrLf

'Code for CommandButton2
Code = Code & "Sub CommandButton2_Click()" & vbCrLf
Code = Code & "Unload Me" & vbCrLf
Code = Code & "Call OK" & vbCrLf
Code = Code & "End Sub" & vbCrLf

End Function


When the function is called, a runtime-genreated form is generated.
The code of that useform is generated by the code = code "" statements
To create dynamic code for the useform, I put the For loop inside th
codeblock for the useform that looped for each instance of a textbox

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