Assign cost to work resources in PWA



I work resources who access PWA using windows authentication. These resources
are assigned to the projects as well. I need to assign cost to these
resources so that I can look after the cost figures associated with the
project. But whenever I try to change the resource type from work to cost, it
disables the windows authentication feature and these users cannot login in
PWA. Please suggest a solution from where can I assign cost to these work
resources without affecting their login.


Hello Saurabh,

In the future, please post questions about working with project
server, and PWA to the newsgroup for project server.

You need to assign costs to your resources in the Enterprise resource
pool, not attempt to convert the work resources to cost resources.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

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Steve House

A "cost resource" is basically a cost that will be associated with a task
that you need to track other than that generated by a work or material
resource. It's sort of like entering a fixed cost but "Fixed Cost" is a
single aggregate value while Cost Resources allow for more detailed
information on the task's cost breakdown. For example, you may have a
resource "Technician" who needs to travel out of town for a certain task.
His cost is computed by project by multiplying the number of man-hours he
spends on the task by his hourly rate as entered in the Standard and
Overtime Rate fields. While he's on the road he will get a mileage
allowance for travel, be put up in a hotel, and also receive a per diem. To
track the travel expenses detailing each element, you can create Cost
Resources for "mileage", "accomodation", and "per diem" and when you assign
them to the task along with the technician you enter the projected amounts
they will cost. Project combines the computed cost of the technician with
the manually entered cost for the travel to come up with the total cost of
the task. And of course because they are entered as separate entities you
can report totals for each of them for the project as a whole.

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