I have expect to use some logic to assign color to rectangle depending if the
is "in scope", "limited" or "out of scope", I have put the following
statement under the Fill format.FillForegnd cell found into the shapesheet
but this doesn't seem to work. The statement added is "=IF(Prop.INSCOPE="IN
The logic seem to recognize only the first IF statement. What I do wrong?
If I put 3, RGB(255,204,102) or RGB(150,150,150) alone, I got the color asked.
Thanks in advance.
is "in scope", "limited" or "out of scope", I have put the following
statement under the Fill format.FillForegnd cell found into the shapesheet
but this doesn't seem to work. The statement added is "=IF(Prop.INSCOPE="IN
The logic seem to recognize only the first IF statement. What I do wrong?
If I put 3, RGB(255,204,102) or RGB(150,150,150) alone, I got the color asked.
Thanks in advance.